Input/output data from tree growing experiments in Southeast Asia were analysed within the framework of a model of a smallholder…
Authors: Menz, K.M.; Grist, P.
Publication Year : 1997
Publication Year : 1997
Input/output data from tree growing experiments in Southeast Asia were analysed within the framework of a model of a smallholder…
Authors: Menz, K.M.; Grist, P.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Vanclay, J.K.
Publication Year : 1997
La vente de produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) peut revêtir une importance considérable en tant que moyens de subsistance des…
Authors: Ndoye, O.; Ruiz Perez, M.; Eyebe, A.
Publication Year : 1997
La venta de los productos forestales no maderables puede revestir gran importancia para el sustento de las comunidades rurales y…
Authors: Ndoye, O.; Ruiz Perez, M.; Eyebe, A.
Publication Year : 1997
Non-timber forest products are today being viewed as legitimate sources of livelihood for local communities. By forming associations, extractivist have…
Authors: Ruiz Perez, M.
Publication Year : 1997
Over recent years, there has been rapid development of the bamboo industry in China since reform and liberalisation, which have…
Authors: Zhong Maogong; Fu Maoyi; Belcher, B.; Ruiz Perez, M.
Publication Year : 1997
With increasing rates of forest depletion worldwide, it is increasingly being asked whether markets can play a role in mitigating…
Authors: Kiker, C.F.; Putz, F.E.
Publication Year : 1997
The study characterised stand structure and floristic composition of woody life forms in three, 16-18 year old secondary stands that…
Authors: Guariguata, M.R.; Chazdon, R.L.; Denslow, J.S.; Dupuy, J.M.; Anderson, L.
Publication Year : 1997
Forest harvesting and transport operations lie on a near-optimal path for creating conflict. Thus their careful implementation is important not…
Authors: Dykstra, D.P.; Heinrich, R.
Publication Year : 1997