The plot for the study on vegetation changes was established in a deforested area of the Maeklong Watershed Research Station,…
Authors: Takahashi, M.; Nakashizuka, T.; Kobayashi, S.; Yarwudhi, C.; Kutintara; Hirai, K.
Publication Year : 1997
Publication Year : 1997
The plot for the study on vegetation changes was established in a deforested area of the Maeklong Watershed Research Station,…
Authors: Takahashi, M.; Nakashizuka, T.; Kobayashi, S.; Yarwudhi, C.; Kutintara; Hirai, K.
Publication Year : 1997
Teknik elektorforesis isozim khususnya pada gel pati kentang merupakan metode yang telah lama dikembangkan untuk analisis keragaman genetik tanaman. Oleh…
Authors: Hartati, N. S.; Sudarmonowati; Fahdiar, A.E.; Siregar, U. J.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Grist, P.; Menz, K.; Amarasinghe, A.K.
Publication Year : 1997
Ten papers from the full proceedings of the above conference providing results of more complete work on the diverse aspects…
Authors: Skovsgaard, J.P.; Vanclay, J.K.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Grist, P.; Menz, K.; Nelson, R.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Magcale-Macandog, D.; Predo, C.; Menz, K.; Calub, A.
Publication Year : 1997
In this paper, the outcomes of a consultative meeting on non-timber forest products are reported and discussed. The meeting was…
Authors: Ruiz Perez, M.; Broekhoven, A.J.; Aluma, J.W.R.; Iddi, S.; Lowore, J.D.; Mutemwa, S.M.; Odera, J.A.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Katz, E.
Publication Year : 1997
Authors: Ocampo, R.; Villalobos, R.; Cifuentes, M.; eds.