CIFOR at IUCN World Conservation Congress

1-10 September 2016
Honolulu - Hawai'i, USA

The IUCN World Conservation Congress will take place in Hawaiʻi (USA) from 1 to 10 September 2016. The Congress will bring together several thousand leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, business and academia with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing the solutions nature offers to global challenges. CIFOR scientists will be participating in fora, hosting sessions and moderating panels at the event, including discussions on landscape approaches, forest restoration and human well-being and conservation.

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CIFOR IUCN Flyer | English 448 KB


2 September 2016

13:00 – 14:30
Pavilion Event

Room: Forests Pavilion

Who benefits, how much? How to adequately measure human welfare impacts in forest conservation initiatives

Human well-being effects are often crucial to the success of forest conservation initiatives. For instance, a new protected area may reduce local people’s access to some forest extractive incomes, but might also safeguard other livelihood benefits. On aggregate, well-being effects may be hard to measure reliably. Specific methods developed by CIFOR, IUCN, PROFOR and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), respectively, to assess forests benefits will be examined and explored.

Session partner: CIFOR

Terry Sunderland
Sven Wunder
“Measuring forest reliance in rural incomes across the global tropics”
David Wilkie
“Human well-being measures in conservation”
Gill Shepherd
“Measuring the economic benefits of forests”
Emilie Perge
“Forest-SWIFT: High frequency data collection in forests”
Focal point: Sven Wunder, CIFOR

17:00 – 19:00
Knowledge Café

Room: 311-10

Forest management certification – Evaluating impacts

Forest management certification is a market-based conservation initiative that aims to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economical viable forestry. Using the work of the FSC as a starting point – which since 1993 has certified 1,300 operations in 80 countries – we will discuss the challenge of assuring consumers that certified products come from forests managed to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of present and future generations.

Download Flyer:
English 580 KB
Chinese 238 KB

Session partner: Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Louis Putzel
Jill Blockhus, The Nature Conservancy
Crystal Davis, GFW
Barbara J. Bramble, NWF
Derric Pennington, Natural Capital, Valuing Nature, WWF
Doris Cellarius, Sierra Club, CEESP–IUCN
Elizabeth Clarke, ZSL
Marion Karmann, FSC
Focal point: Marion Karmann, FSC
3 September 2016

11:00 – 13:00
Knowledge Café

Room: 311-11

Quantifying forest benefits for pro-poor conservation at scale

This Knowledge Café is for conservation practitioners, researchers and policy makers who are interested in understanding the role of tropical forests in rural livelihoods – and the socioeconomic impacts of conservation – through the use of large-scale data sets. Participants will gain: information, analyses and tools for quantifying forest benefits; an understanding of trade-offs in choosing assessment methods; and potential partnerships for forest benefit quantification and impact evaluation.

Session partner: CIFOR

Sven Wunder, CIFOR
Terry Sunderland, CIFOR
David Wilkie, WCS
Gill Shepherd, IUCN
Focal point: Sven Wunder, CIFOR

13:00 –14:30
Room: Species Conservation Pavilion

Meet and Greet with the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management

Meet and greet with members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) to discover our work and mission, and hear about our latest work on Sustainable Wildlife Management.

The event will be the occasion to raise awareness on the multiple and cross-sectoral dimensions of wildlife management, highlighting practical tools and analysis carried out by CPW members. There will also be an opportunity to share experiences on the sustainable use and conservation of terrestrial wildlife in all biomes.

Terry Sunderland, CIFOR
Braulio Dias, CBD
Rosie Cooney, IUCN
Bradnee Chambers, CMS
Tom DeMeulenaer, CITES
Ali Kaka, IUCN/CIC
Caroline Sorensen, CIC
Anastasiya Timoshyna, TRAFFIC
Johannes Refisch, UNEP
Lucy Mulenkei, IIFB

13:00 – 14:30
Pavilion Event

Room: Forests Pavilion

Restoration of landscapes with forests and trees: Highlights from China’s forest restoration programs and the USDA Environmental Quality Improvement Program

As countries around the world rise to the Bonn Challenge of restoring 150 million ha by 2020, we turn to two of the global giants in landscape restoration for insights on program design and outcomes. What are the institutional capacities and financial resources required to implement and monitor landscape restoration on the scale of China and the US? What can we learn from experiences in (sub)-tropical agricultural lands in Hawaii and SW China?

Session partners: CIFOR, SFA, USDA, FEDRC, IUCN, UKAID

Louis Putzel
Guangcui Dai, FEDRC, SFA
Kun Zhang, FEDRC, SFA
Michael Constantinides, NRCS, USDA
Yan Zhang, IUCN
Focal point: Louis Putzel, CIFOR and Yan Zhang, IUCN

14:00 – 16:00
Pavilion Event

Room: Rumah Indonesia Pavilion

Role of Private Sector in Biodiversity and Conservation

Terry Sunderland
“Integrated Landscape Approach: critical issues and perspectives”
Jeff Sayer
“Measuring the success of landscape approach: Metric evaluation of landscape approach in Kampar Peninsula”
Pipa Howard
“Landscape approach – Global experiences of FFI in supporting Biodiversity Assessment Across the Globe”
4 September 2016

14:30 – 16:30
Knowledge Café

Room: 311-13

Working together to build a diverse constituency for conserving global biodiversity

Our Knowledge Café session will bring together organizations pioneering biodiversity mainstreaming and integration in a discussion about how we can better work together to engage diverse constituencies. We will explore the best opportunities for engaging constituencies including fora, planning processes, organizations and individuals and develop an action plan to guide our collaboration going forward.

Session partner: USAID

Terry Sunderland, CIFOR
Focal point: Hadas Kushnir, USAID
5 September 2016

8:30 – 10:30

Room: 301B

Confidence in conservation – Demonstrating impacts and creating market confidence through accessing ecosystem service markets

This session will examine conservation outcomes from projects that have used finance from ecosystem service markets; describe the future market potential for ecosystem services for conservation; and explore how third-party certification can be used to increase market confidence, demonstrate short- and long-term impacts, and ensure that environmental and social safeguards are being met.

Session partner: FSC

Sini Savilaakso, CIFOR
Louis Putzel CIFOR
Chris Henschel, FSC
Andrew Deutz, The Nature Conservancy
Gena Gammie, Forest Trends
James Hardcastle, IUCN
Focal point: Chris Henschel, FSC
7 September 2016

13:00 – 15:00
Knowledge Café

Room: Rumah Indonesia Pavilion

Beyond Protected Areas

This session will explore and evaluate various approaches that have been applied to secure buffer zone forest around Protected Areas in Indonesia. These would include conservation and development schemes, including ICDPs, Payment for Ecosystem Services (water-based and REDD+), Ecosystem Restoration Concessions, Village/Community Forest, High Conservation Value Forest, Conservation Easement, and others scheme that might applied. These are the example of questions we will explore in the session. Interaction and learning of successes and failures from the participants is expected to enrich each knowledge and understanding of this complex issue.

Session partner: WCS

Terry Sunderland, CIFOR
Focal point: Wulan Pusparini, WCS
