5-11 October, Salt Lake City, United States

The 2014 International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress took place together with the Society of American Foresters’ 94th Annual Convention and the Canadian Institute of Forestry’s Annual Meeting. It was one of the largest collections of leading forestland managers, scientists, and decision makers in one place.

A large delegation of CIFOR scientists participated in the event, including Robert Nasi, CIFOR’s Deputy Director General and Acting Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry; and the team leader for CIFOR’s Latin America hub, Manuel Guariguata, who was recently appointed IUFRO’s Latin America President. Sixteen CIFOR scientists led expert panels and participated with presentations in different sessions.

This event is organized by


6 October 2014

Room: 155 E

Subplenary session

Forest foods, medicines and human health

Experts will explore the state of knowledge on how forests around the world provide products and services that maintain and improve human health and well being.

CIFOR Panelist: Robert Nasi

Room: 251 A-C

Technical Session

Gender, participation, and climate change

This session will focus on challenges, opportunities, and outcomes of securing women’s participation in forest governance, linking them with issues and experiences in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Organizers: Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Esther Mwangi (CIFOR, Indonesia), Peter Cronkleton (CIFOR, Peru) and Terry Sunderland (CIFOR, Indonesia)

CIFOR Panelists: Herry Purnomo, Terry Sunderland, Sheona Shackleton

Room 151 F

Technical Session

Impact of forest certification on sustainable forest management

Technical experts will assess forest certification, including impacts on forest management and timber markets, effects for forest workers and communities affected by certified forest management, quality of certification audits, and governance and authority of certification schemes.

CIFOR Panelist: Paolo Cerutti
7 October 2014

Room: 151 B

Technical Session

Gender and forestry value chains

Scientists will shed light on the role of women in forest value chains in the face of forest loss and a range of uncertainties generated by ever‐increasing demands for food, timber, and ecosystem services in a globalized world.

CIFOR Panelists: Fiona Paumgarten, Herry Purnomo, Phosiso Sola

Room: 150 C

Technical Session

Forests, fire and climate change dynamics

This session will focus on the latest scientific understanding of climate change and future global fire regimes, feedback to the global carbon balance, expected human and environmental impacts, and potential management strategies to mitigate negative impacts.

CIFOR Panelist: Hety Herawati

Room: 250 D

Technical Session

Value of traditional knowledge for sustainable forest management

This session will focus on the relevance of traditional knowledge, practices and social/governance institutions in the conservation, management and restoration of forests and sustainable use of forest biodiversity.

CIFOR Panelist: Nining Liswanti
9 October 2014

Room: 150 B

Technical Session

Impact of tenure arrangements on forests, livelihoods and gender dynamics

Experts examine the implications of forest and land tenure reforms (in Asia, Africa and Latin America) with emphasis on local institutions, governance, livelihoods, and gender dynamics.

CIFOR Panelists: Michael Balinga, Anne Larson

Room: 150 A

Technical Session

Smallholders and forest landscape transitions: locally devised development strategies of tropical America

A look into the responses of peasant communities to the development contexts emerging in tropical America’s forest landscapes, and the resulting economic, social and environmental outcomes.

CIFOR Panelist: Pablo Pacheco

Room: 155 E

Technical Session

How does biodiversity help to manage high-value timber species and vice-versa?

This session will explore how biodiversity positively impacts management of high-value timber species, (e.g., protection from pests and pathogens) and, conversely, how management for high-value species helps conserve biodiversity (e.g., how planted forests can conserve biodiversity).

CIFOR Panelist: Robert Nasi
10 October 2014

Room: 250 E

Technical Session

Understanding the relationships among biodiversity, carbon, and people for REDD+ forests: the importance of environmental and social safeguards

Relationships among biodiversity, carbon storage and people in REDD planning, with particular emphasis on formulation and application of environmental and social safeguards.

CIFOR Panelist: Amy Duchelle

Room: Ballroom

Plenary session

The people and forests trajectory 1994-2014 and beyond

Much progress on the people-forest nexus has occurred within the forestry world. Forestry researchers are taking serious notice of the impacts of forests on people, and people on forests. Encouraging examples include attention to human well-being, attempts to work collaboratively with communities and their subgroups, a focus on power relations (devolution, ethnic and gender studies), and attention to people’s knowledge about forests.

CIFOR Panelist: Carol Colfer

Room: 150 F

Technical Session

Tropical forest wetlands, climate, and land-use change: adaptation and mitigation opportunities

Presentation of recent research on carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions from intact and converted wetland forests and associated land uses, ecosystem C dynamics modeling tools, and roles of tropical wetlands in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

CIFOR Panelist: Kristell Hergoualc'h

Room: 155 E

Technical Session

What future for tropical silviculture?

Scientists will present experimental data on the sustainability of selective logging and plantation management in the tropics, with an emphasis on the impact of tropical silviculture on biodiversity, biomass production and ecological processes natural and planted forests.

Organizers: Robert Nasi (CIFOR, Indonesia) and Plinio Sist (CIRAD, France)

Moderators: Robert Nasi and Plinio Sist

CIFOR Panelist: Manuel Guariguata
11 October 2014

Room: 150 D

Technical Session

The future of ecosystem services from forests

Experts will focus on how the emergence of forest ecosystem services will re-shape forests and forest research, with particular focus on the design of such systems and their effect on human communities and the landscape.

CIFOR Panelist: Sven Wunder
9 - 10 October 2014
9 October 2014
Room: 250B
10 October 2014
Room: 150B

Gender Lens Photo Book and ACM Field Guide Launch

The field guide, produced by CIFOR, will be launched in conjunction with the Gender Lens Photo Book Launch, which is part of CIAT´s Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Integrating Gender (FTA Gender).

Organizers: CGIAR

Authors: Kristen Evans, Anne Larson, Esther Mwangi, Peter Cronkleton, Tendayi Maravanyika, Xochilt Hernandez, Pilar Müller, Alejandro Pikitle, Roberto Marchena, Concepta Mukasa, Alice Tibazalwa and Abwoli Banana.
