Side event at SBSTA-48

Joint side event by CIFOR, ICRAF and Wageningen University

Thursday 3 May 2018, 16:45-18:15, Bonn ( Room: World Conference Center Bonn )


Thursday 3 May 2018, 16:45-18:15, Bonn Room, World Conference Center Bonn

Does money go to trees? Assessing finance flows to maximize the impact of REDD+

Successful implementation of REDD+ depends on sufficient finance. Speakers in this event will explore REDD+ finance flows from donor to recipient countries, identifying where they do and don’t go, analyzing what this means for the progress of REDD+, and drawing conclusions for further action.

Watch the livestream

Contact person: Levania Santoso, CIFOR:


Opening: Does money go to trees?
Using REDD+ readiness to maximize climate finance impact
view presentation
Performance-based finance in forestry and agroforestry
REDD+ finance: the indigenous people's view
view presentation
REDD+ finance: the view from countries
Climate finance projects
view presentation
