Shift in herders' territorialities from regional to local scale: the political ecology of pastoral herding in western Burkina Faso
In Burkina Faso, livestock sedentarization programmes are still at the top of policy makers agendas and at the heart of...
Authors: Gonin, A.; Gautier, D.
Tenure Security and Land Appropriation under Changing Environmental Governance in Lowland Bolivia and Pará
Appropriation of public lands associated with agricultural frontier expansion is a longstanding occurrence in the Amazon that has resulted in...
Authors: Pacheco, P.; Benatti, J.H.
Re-greening Ethiopia: history, challenges and lessons
In Ethiopia, deforestation rates remain high and the gap between demand and domestic supply of forest products is expanding, even...
Authors: Lemenih, H.; Kassa, H.
Indigenous land reconfiguration and fragmented institutions: A historical political ecology of Tsimane' lands (Bolivian Amazon)
Lands inhabited by indigenous peoples often have low population density but abundant natural resources. For those reasons, many actors have...
Authors: Reyes-García, V.; Paneque-Gálvez, J.; Bottazi, P.; Luz, A.C.; Gueze, M.; Macía, M.J.; Orta-Martínez, M.; Pacheco, P.
Translating legal rights into tenure security: lessons from the new commercial pressures on land in Ghana
Since the confluence of the food and oil price crises of the mid 2000s, Ghana has become a prime destination...
Authors: Schoneveld, G.; German, L.
Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats
We test the applicability of two different methods for quantifying carbon (C) stocks in five tropical peat sites in Sumatra,...
Authors: Farmer, J.; Matthews, R.; Smith, P.; Langan, C.; Hergoualc';h, K.; Verchot, L.; Smith, J.U.
Gender and natural resource governance indicators: a need to assess and address 'sensitive and taboo' topics
Gender and governance or management are topics that have been inadequately addressed by researchers, with resulting very slow progress towards gender...
Authors: Colfer, C.J.P.; Achdiawan, R.; Adnan, H.; Erni; Yuliani, L.; Balang; LepMil
Assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of benefit-sharing schemes under large-scale agriculture: lessons from land fees in Cameroon
In Cameroon, the provisions of Decree No. 76-166 of 27 April 1976 to establish the terms and conditions for the...
Authors: Assembe-Mvondo, S.; Brockhaus, M.; Lescuyer, G.
Multi-level governance of forest resources
A major challenge for many researchers and practitioners relates to how to recognize and address cross-scale dynamics in space and...
Authors: Mwangi, E.; Wardell, D.A.
Communities, property rights and forest decentralisation in Kenya: early lessons from participatory forestry management
The introduction of participatory forestry management (PFM) in Kenya has led to the formation of community forest associations (CFAs). Data...
Authors: Mogoi, J.; Obonyo, E.; Ongugo, P.; Oeba, V.; Mwangi, E.
Secondary level organisations and the democratisation of forest governance: case studies from Nepal and Guatemala
This paper examines the emerging role of secondary level organisations in the democratisation of forest governance by analysing two cases...
Authors: Paudel, N.S.; Monterroso, I.; Cronkleton, P.
The recognition of forest rights in Latin America: Progress and shortcomings of forest tenure reforms
Significant tenure reforms have taken place over public forestlands in the past 20 years in Latin America. These reforms differ...
Authors: Pacheco, P.; Barry, D.; Cronkleton, P.; Larson, A.M.
Books and Book Chapters
Community rights to forests in the tropics: Progress and retreat on tenure reforms
Rights to forests have been contested for hundreds of years, and the vast majority of the worlds forests (approximately 73%)...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Monterroso, I.; Banjade, M.R.; Mwangi, E.
Collaborative governance of tropical landscapes
This book provides a novel approach to governance relating to biodiversity and human well-being in complex tropical landscapes, including forests...
Authors: Colfer, C.J.P.; Pfund, J.L.; eds
Governing Africas Forests in a Globalized World
Many countries around the world are engaged in decentralization processes, and most African countries face serious problems with forest governance,...
Authors: German, L.; Karsenty, A.; Tiani, A.M.; eds
Participation of rural indigenous women in community governance
Key messages
- Miskitu and Mayangna women from rural forest-dependent communities in the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (Región Autónoma de la...
Authors: Flores, S.; Evans, K.; Larson, A.M.; Pikitle, A.; Marchena, R.
Thinking about REDD+ benefit sharing mechanism (BSM): Lessons from community forestry (CF) in Nepal and Indonesia
Key lessons
- Benefit sharing (BS) approaches in community forestry (CF) are differentiated into: rights allocation-based, input-based and performance-based, from initiation to...
Authors: Nawir, A.A.; Paudel, N.S.; Wong, G.Y.; Luttrell, C.
Can safeguards guarantee gender equity?: Lessons from research on women in early REDD+ implementation
"Participation" is an insufficient measure to safeguard womens interests. Rather, gender-responsive analyses are needed to understand real and perceived gender...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Dokken, T.; Duchelle, A.E.
Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction: Insights from Africa and Asia
Collective action and property rights are two institutions that can significantly contribute to poverty reduction. Collective action...
Authors: Mwangi, E.; Markelova, H.; Meinzen-Dick, R.
Occasional/Working Papers
The role of informal institutions in the use of forest resources in Latin America
This study adopts an institutional approach to analyze the way in which informal rules, in their interaction with formal rules,...
Authors: Pacheco, P.; Barry, D.; Cronkleton, P.; Larson, A.M.
Environmental governance and the emergence of forest-based social movements
This occasional paper is based on the results of a three-year project examining the emergence of forest-based grassroots movements in...
Authors: Cronkleton, P.; Taylor, P.L.; Barry, D.; Stone-Jovicich, S.; Schmink, M.
Reformas en la tenencia forestal
En muchos países en desarrollo, pero especialmente en América Latina, los derechos a cerca de 200 millones de hectáreas de...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Dahal, G.R.
Occasional/Working Papers
Territorialidad y gobernanza: tejiendo Retos en los Territorios Indígenas de la RAAN, Nicaragua
El presente libro cuenta con dos partes. La primera parte consiste en la síntesis y comparación de los tres estudios...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Soto, F.; eds
Book and book chapter
La reforma de la tenencia forestal: ¿Nuevos derechos sobre los recursos para las comunidades que viven en los bosques?i
La sección 1 presenta un panorama general de la historia de la reforma. La sección 2 presenta el proyecto de...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Dahal, G.R.
La cogestión en la forestería comunitaria: cómo la transferencia parcial de los derechos de manejo crea retos para las comunidades forestales
La reforma de la tenencia forestal ha creado oportunidades económicas y de medios de vida para el manejo forestal...
Authors: Cronkleton, P.; Pulhin, J.M.; Saigal, S.
El fortalecimiento de las reformas de la tenencia forestal a través de regulaciones que respondan mejor a las necesidades de la población local
Las reformas de la tenencia forestal han abierto nuevas oportunidades para que las comunidades obtengan derechos formales sobre sus bosques y...
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Pulhin, J.M.
La legitimidad de los derechos forestales: los fundamentos de la reforma de tenencia forestal en las áreas protegidas de Petén, Guatemala
En las últimas décadas, los bosques en el mundo han experimentado un proceso importante de reconocimiento y transferencia de derechos...
Authors: Monterroso, I.; Barry, D.