
VIDEO Diálogos de Tenencia, Perú: Henry Ramírez

Diálogos de Tenencia, Perú: Henry Ramírez

Líderes indígenas, miembros de equipos técnicos de ONG nacionales e internacionales, técnicos de instancias locales y regionales y académicos involucrados en el tema de la tenencia de las tierras forestales de las regiones de Madre de Dios y Loreto, ofrecen perspectivas y recomendaciones. Estas entrevistas se desarrollaron en el marco...
VIDEO Tenure Talks Indonesia: Azam Bandjar

Tenure Talks Indonesia: Azam Bandjar

Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan mengumumkan kebijakan 12,7 juta hektare lahan hutan akan dialihkan bagi masyarakat lokal di tahun 2019. Hal ini menjadi target ambisius yang membutuhkan pendekatan terkoordinasi untuk memetakan lahan yang dikelola dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Azam Bandjar, Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Maluku dalam acara ‘Tenure Talks: A...
VIDEO Colloquium on Land and Forest Tenure Reform in Indonesia, Bogor, 2015

Colloquium on Land and Forest Tenure Reform in Indonesia, Bogor, 2015

The Colloquium on Land and Forest Tenure Reform in Indonesia looked at the progress of tenure reforms in Indonesia. Bringing together government, civil society and the science community, the Colloquium discussed the challenges and opportunities for effective tenure reform implementation. The Colloquium was held on 5 August, 2015 in Bogor, Indonesia. For...
VIDEO This Land is Our Land: Gender perspectives on tenure and rights GLF 2015

This Land is Our Land: Gender perspectives on tenure and rights GLF 2015

Watch this high-level session on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The session discusses the practical requirements for implementing gender-sensitive land restoration; in an effort to get beyond the usual rhetoric on gender issues. The gender dialogue brings diverse and constructive points...
VIDEO Commons tenure for a common future GLF 2015

Commons tenure for a common future GLF 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The role of tenure security in providing incentives for sustainable resource management and restoration is well established. However, much of the policy attention has been on securing individual lands, which make...
VIDEO Indigenous Peoples’ rights and land tenure GLF 2015

Indigenous Peoples’ rights and land tenure GLF 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The respect and recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, customary land tenure and traditional knowledge have significantly contributed to more sustainable use and management of various ecosystems. Speakers at the session represent...
VIDEO Steven Lawry - The Impact of Land Property Rights Interventions

Steven Lawry - The Impact of Land Property Rights Interventions

Speaker: Steven Lawry, Research Director, Forests & Governance, CIFOR. Date: 27 January 2015 Location: CIFOR Headquarters, Bogor, Indonesia. Secure and predictable access to land as a productive resource is key to the livelihoods of millions of farmers around the world. Existing evidence on the effects of land property rights interventions is...
VIDEO Land Tenure and REDD+: Lessons from Brazil

Land Tenure and REDD+: Lessons from Brazil

Video interview with CIFOR Scientist Amy Duchelle on the findings of a new paper, "Dependence of hydropower energy generation on forests in the Amazon Basin at local and regional scales". She looks at land tenure and early REDD+ initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon. To learn more, and for more stories of...
VIDEO Andrew Wardell - Who owns the rights to the world's common resources?

Andrew Wardell - Who owns the rights to the world's common resources?

Andrew Wardell, Director of CIFOR's Forests and Governance research portfolio, on what is meant by the "commons" and the challenges surrounding the common management of resources. For more information, please contact Andrew Wardell at
VIDEO Pam Jagger - PEN: Forest tenure and linkages to poverty

Pam Jagger - PEN: Forest tenure and linkages to poverty

Pam Jagger, a CIFOR Associate and Assistant Professor from the University of North Carolina conducted and analysed surveys in the Pen project about forest tenure at both the village and household levels. She looked at the formal owners of the forests, who the de-facto uses are and what types of...