It Takes a Village to Re-raise a Forest
To stem the effects of climate change on the country and its people, Ethiopia is looking towards forestry as a key solutionCIFOR, in partnership with Ethiopia’s Ministry for Forests, the Environment and Climate Change, worked to identify the current challenges for the country in regards to Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR).
Forest landscape restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia
Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is the ongoing process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded areas.CIFOR’s FLR research work is funded by the International Forestry Knowledge (KNOWFOR) Program. KNOWFOR aims to provide policymakers and practitioners in developing countries with useful evidence, tools and analysis on forests, trees and climate change.
Kanchi Kohli on farms and forests
Watch our interview with Kanchi Kohli, independent researcher of environment, forest and biodiversity governance, at the Forests Asia Summit 2014.
Forests Asia 2014 – Day 1 Discussion Forum, Sloping lands in transition
Watch this discussion forum on Sloping lands in transition – ecosystem services in rural livelihoods, from the first day of Forests Asia 2014. Moderator: Peter Cronkleton Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research Speakers: Kiran Asher Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research Xie Chen Forest Economics and Development Research Center, State Forestry Administration, China Kanchi Kohli Independent…
Agreement sign of CIFOR-FEDRC in research collaboration on CCFP (with English subtitle)
CIFOR launches partnership with the China National Forestry Economics and Development Research Center (FEDRC) to support the monitoring and evaluation of China’s ‘Conversion of Cropland to Forest Program’ (CCFP) – one of the largest reforestation programs in the world. The signing ceremony of the agreement between CIFOR and FEDRC in Beijing in June 2013, was shown on Green China TV.