weADAPT Articles

WD-NACE End of Project Workshop

WD-NACE End of Project Workshop

On the 27th of September a global group of representatives of research and funding organisations alike gathered in London’s Wellcome center to evaluate and debrief the Whole Decision Network Analysis

Local hopes and worries about REDD+ projects

Local hopes and worries about REDD+ projects

A family collects Brazil nuts from their forest. Kristen Evans/CIFOR Local forest communities in the REDD+ project sites of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study understand the scheme to be fundamentally about

Knowledge Partners

Knowledge Partners

weADAPT undertakes collaborations and projects with a number of Knowledge Partners, all designed to enrich and improve the utility of the weADAPT platform for a diverse audience of users. Below

9. Synthesis of Key Insights

9. Synthesis of Key Insights

The baseline assessment shed light on the current vulnerability of villages in the project site, which is essential for the evaluation of future vulnerability and possible adaptation strategies that can
