weADAPT Articles

8. Dynamic Vulnerability

8. Dynamic Vulnerability

Vulnerability is a dynamic process, changing on a variety of inter-linked temporal and spatial scales. On the one hand, It is bounded by processes of change that can be slow

3. Methodological Approaches

3. Methodological Approaches

Using stones to plot forest degradation over time. Photo by Tahia Devisscher (2011) The analysis in this report seeks to understand the current vulnerability of the system to climate-related threats

1. Background

1. Background

This report is part of the baseline assessment conducted under the “Climate Change and Forests in the Congo Basin: Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation (COBAM)” project. This project aims at

REDD+ 101

REDD+ 101

REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) is based on a simple idea: pay developing countries to reduce CO2 emissions from the forest sector. The idea of REDD was



Ecosystem‐based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin American landscapes The EcoAdapt project draws on outcomes from two rounds of regional consultation with Latin American
