Equipe et partenaires

Dr Anne Marie Tiani
COBAM Project Coordinator (CIFOR)
Dr Anne Marie Tiani is the coordinator of the COBAM project, based at CIFOR's Central Africa Regional office in Yaoundé. She has been a consultant with CIFOR on several global research projects including, Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests (1996-1998), Adaptive Collaborative Management of Tropical Forests Programme (2000-2003), and Forest Governance Programme (2004-2007). She has acquired extensive experience on designing and using methods and tools for monitoring and evaluation of socio-environmental impacts. Under the CCAA (Climate Change Adaptation in Africa) programme, initiated by IDRC in partnership with DFID, she took an active part in the design and implementation of methods and analytical tools for the analysis of the vulnerability of local communities meanwhile providing technical support to national and regional projects across Africa. Her extensive field experience in the Congo basin and Madagascar has informed her understanding of how institutions and incentives structure human behaviour and related ecological outcomes. This understanding is essential in the implementation of projects aiming at reducing poverty, deforestation and enhancing adaptive capacity. Anne-Marie Tiani has published extensively on gender, decentralisation and management of protected areas. She also co-edited a book titled, 'Governing Africa's Forest in the Globalized World' published by Earthscan, London, in December 2009 in English and by CIFOR in 2010 in French.
Dr Anne Marie Tiani is the coordinator of the COBAM project, based at CIFOR's Central Africa Regional office in Yaoundé. She has been a consultant with CIFOR on several global research projects including, Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests (1996-1998), Adaptive Collaborative Management of Tropical Forests Programme (2000-2003), and Forest Governance Programme (2004-2007). She has acquired extensive experience on designing and using methods and tools for monitoring and evaluation of socio-environmental impacts. Under the CCAA (Climate Change Adaptation in Africa) programme, initiated by IDRC in partnership with DFID, she took an active part in the design and implementation of methods and analytical tools for the analysis of the vulnerability of local communities meanwhile providing technical support to national and regional projects across Africa. Her extensive field experience in the Congo basin and Madagascar has informed her understanding of how institutions and incentives structure human behaviour and related ecological outcomes. This understanding is essential in the implementation of projects aiming at reducing poverty, deforestation and enhancing adaptive capacity. Anne-Marie Tiani has published extensively on gender, decentralisation and management of protected areas. She also co-edited a book titled, 'Governing Africa's Forest in the Globalized World' published by Earthscan, London, in December 2009 in English and by CIFOR in 2010 in French.

Dr Adrian Martin
Scientist (UEA)
Dr Adrian Martin is a social scientist based at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia (UEA). He specialises in interdisciplinary research that supports the management of natural resources in developing countries, particularly in relation to governance of renewable resources, integrated conservation and development, and environmental conflict and governance in post-conflict societies. His recent work has pursued three related themes: first, the potential for deliberative approaches to achieve procedural equity and higher quality environmental decision making; second, the use of ecosystem services approaches - including payments for ecosystem services - to achieve more equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of environment conservation; and third, the use of environmental justice frameworks in environment and development.
Dr Adrian Martin is a social scientist based at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia (UEA). He specialises in interdisciplinary research that supports the management of natural resources in developing countries, particularly in relation to governance of renewable resources, integrated conservation and development, and environmental conflict and governance in post-conflict societies. His recent work has pursued three related themes: first, the potential for deliberative approaches to achieve procedural equity and higher quality environmental decision making; second, the use of ecosystem services approaches - including payments for ecosystem services - to achieve more equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of environment conservation; and third, the use of environmental justice frameworks in environment and development.

Alba Saray Pérez Terán
COBAM Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist/Research (CIFOR)
Abla Saray holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences from Salamanca University, Spain and a further specialization in tropical developing countries at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. She has followed additional training in community based adaptation to climate change, participatory rural appraisal, environmental impact assessment and citizen participation in sustainable development among others. She has worked with NGOs and research organizations in Kenya, Senegal, Thailand, and Vietnam in a wide range of environmental projects including forestry and climate change adaptation projects. She can fluently speak Spanish, English and French, and has followed training on computer technology and programming. Within COBAM, she will be in charge of participatory monitoring and evaluation tools for the five pilot projects, and redesigning and updating COBAM website.
See also Alba's personal website.
Abla Saray holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences from Salamanca University, Spain and a further specialization in tropical developing countries at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. She has followed additional training in community based adaptation to climate change, participatory rural appraisal, environmental impact assessment and citizen participation in sustainable development among others. She has worked with NGOs and research organizations in Kenya, Senegal, Thailand, and Vietnam in a wide range of environmental projects including forestry and climate change adaptation projects. She can fluently speak Spanish, English and French, and has followed training on computer technology and programming. Within COBAM, she will be in charge of participatory monitoring and evaluation tools for the five pilot projects, and redesigning and updating COBAM website.
See also Alba's personal website.

Bérenger Tchatchou
COBAM Socio-economist/Researcher (CIFOR)
Bérenger Tchatchou is a Statistics Engineer, with a specialisation in Applied Economics. He has a MSc degree in Statistics and Econometrics with several years of experience at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development of the Republic of Cameroon. He has undertaken assignments related to the design and implementation of socio-economic surveys, econometric modeling, sampling and strategic planning. Within the COBAM project he will be implicated in socio-economic/livelihood research in the context of climate change vulnerability, adaptation and REDD+.
Bérenger Tchatchou is a Statistics Engineer, with a specialisation in Applied Economics. He has a MSc degree in Statistics and Econometrics with several years of experience at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development of the Republic of Cameroon. He has undertaken assignments related to the design and implementation of socio-economic surveys, econometric modeling, sampling and strategic planning. Within the COBAM project he will be implicated in socio-economic/livelihood research in the context of climate change vulnerability, adaptation and REDD+.

Dr Bruno Locatelli
Scientist (CIFOR, CIRAD)
Bruno Locatelli has a background in environmental sciences with a Master's in Environmental Sciences and Science and Techonology, (1993); a forest engineering degree, (1995); a master's degree in Hydrology, (1995); and a Doctoral degree and Environmental Sciences (2000). His interest in forests and climate change started in 1993 with work on carbon quantification with CIRAD. Later he conducted research on mechanisms for forests and mitigation (Clean Development Mechanism, payments for environmental services) especially between 2002 to 2007 when he was with CIRAD and CATIE in Costa Rica. In 2005, his activities shifted from mitigation to adaptation. He is now working on forests and adaptation to climate change with CIRAD and CIFOR and is based in Indonesia.
See also Bruno Locatelli's personal website .
Bruno Locatelli has a background in environmental sciences with a Master's in Environmental Sciences and Science and Techonology, (1993); a forest engineering degree, (1995); a master's degree in Hydrology, (1995); and a Doctoral degree and Environmental Sciences (2000). His interest in forests and climate change started in 1993 with work on carbon quantification with CIRAD. Later he conducted research on mechanisms for forests and mitigation (Clean Development Mechanism, payments for environmental services) especially between 2002 to 2007 when he was with CIRAD and CATIE in Costa Rica. In 2005, his activities shifted from mitigation to adaptation. He is now working on forests and adaptation to climate change with CIRAD and CIFOR and is based in Indonesia.
See also Bruno Locatelli's personal website .

Charlotte Pavageau
Scientist (CIFOR)
Charlotte has a background in Environmental Sciences. Her research and professional interests include regional analysis of vulnerability to climate variability and climate change adaptation. Her approach consists of reconciling local stakeholder perceptions with quantitative approaches. Prior to joining the COBAM team, she worked for the CoFCCA project (Congo Basin Forests and Climate Change Adaptation) on mapping the vulnerability of rural communities to climate variability in the Congo Basin. She is now in charge of developing COBAM component 1 on regional and national policy analysis related to forest and climate change. Charlotte holds a master's degree in Environmental Science and Policy at AgroParisTech - ENGREF, Paris, France and a master's degree in Science and Technology from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Her multidisciplinary background led her to conduct research in various domains, such as modelling interactions between forests and the atmosphere, and decision making processes dealing with ecosystem management.
Charlotte has a background in Environmental Sciences. Her research and professional interests include regional analysis of vulnerability to climate variability and climate change adaptation. Her approach consists of reconciling local stakeholder perceptions with quantitative approaches. Prior to joining the COBAM team, she worked for the CoFCCA project (Congo Basin Forests and Climate Change Adaptation) on mapping the vulnerability of rural communities to climate variability in the Congo Basin. She is now in charge of developing COBAM component 1 on regional and national policy analysis related to forest and climate change. Charlotte holds a master's degree in Environmental Science and Policy at AgroParisTech - ENGREF, Paris, France and a master's degree in Science and Technology from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Her multidisciplinary background led her to conduct research in various domains, such as modelling interactions between forests and the atmosphere, and decision making processes dealing with ecosystem management.

Denis Sonwa
Scientist, Forests and Environment Programme (CIFOR)
Denis Sonwa is a researcher with CIFOR's Central Africa Office since July 2008. He works mainly on forest and climate change. He concentrates on REDD+, and forest and adaptation to climate change. Within CIFOR he has coordinated one of the first projects on forest and climate change adaptation, known as CoFCCA (Congo Basin Forest and Climate Change Adaptation). Before joining CIFOR he was an agro-ecologist with IITA were he has mainly worked on Cacao's agroforest's ecology. He holds a PhD on "Biomass management and diversification within cocoa agroforest in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon" from Bonn University, Germany, since 2004.
Denis Sonwa is a researcher with CIFOR's Central Africa Office since July 2008. He works mainly on forest and climate change. He concentrates on REDD+, and forest and adaptation to climate change. Within CIFOR he has coordinated one of the first projects on forest and climate change adaptation, known as CoFCCA (Congo Basin Forest and Climate Change Adaptation). Before joining CIFOR he was an agro-ecologist with IITA were he has mainly worked on Cacao's agroforest's ecology. He holds a PhD on "Biomass management and diversification within cocoa agroforest in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon" from Bonn University, Germany, since 2004.

Edmond Dounias
Scientist (IRD)
Over the past 25 years, Edmond Dounias who is a researcher at the Institut de Recherche pour le Development (IRD, France) has been focusing his research on local ecological knowledge in tropical rain forests. As an ethnobiologist, his main research interest is to explore representations, knowledge and practices of populations living in, from, and with the forest. Food - an interdisciplinary research topic covering many complex interactions between people and their environment - has always been the backbone of his work carried out in Cameroon and in Borneo. Edmond Dounias is concerned by the uncertain future of the last hunter-gatherer societies (Pygmies, Punan, Kubu), who have limited adaptive capacity to adjust their livelihoods to the drastic changes affecting their forests. He divides his time between scientific activities focusing on participatory action research, and advocacy that targets the reconciliation of biological and cultural diversity. His current research is dedicated to the adaptive strategies of forest dependent peoples with regard to the creeping impact of climate change and globalization.
Over the past 25 years, Edmond Dounias who is a researcher at the Institut de Recherche pour le Development (IRD, France) has been focusing his research on local ecological knowledge in tropical rain forests. As an ethnobiologist, his main research interest is to explore representations, knowledge and practices of populations living in, from, and with the forest. Food - an interdisciplinary research topic covering many complex interactions between people and their environment - has always been the backbone of his work carried out in Cameroon and in Borneo. Edmond Dounias is concerned by the uncertain future of the last hunter-gatherer societies (Pygmies, Punan, Kubu), who have limited adaptive capacity to adjust their livelihoods to the drastic changes affecting their forests. He divides his time between scientific activities focusing on participatory action research, and advocacy that targets the reconciliation of biological and cultural diversity. His current research is dedicated to the adaptive strategies of forest dependent peoples with regard to the creeping impact of climate change and globalization.

Eugene Loh Chia
COBAM's Institutional Specialist / Researcher (CIFOR)
Eugene Loh Chia is a dynamic professional with interdisciplinary competencies which transverse environment and development issues. He holds an MSc in international Environment Studies with a major in Natural Resource Management and a BSc in Development Studies from the Department of International Environment and Development at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He also has additional interdisciplinary academic background in Ecological Economics and Agribusiness. He will be responsible for the institutional and governance aspects of the COBAM project. Before joining CIFOR and the COBAM team, he was a research assistant with Forests, Resources and People (FOREP) working on conservation, livelihoods and climate change adaptation and mitigation relationships. He has been involved in research at the local, national and regional level in the Congo Basin region related to forest and governance processes, policy and stakeholder networks in the context of REDD+ and climate change adaptation.
Eugene Loh Chia is a dynamic professional with interdisciplinary competencies which transverse environment and development issues. He holds an MSc in international Environment Studies with a major in Natural Resource Management and a BSc in Development Studies from the Department of International Environment and Development at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He also has additional interdisciplinary academic background in Ecological Economics and Agribusiness. He will be responsible for the institutional and governance aspects of the COBAM project. Before joining CIFOR and the COBAM team, he was a research assistant with Forests, Resources and People (FOREP) working on conservation, livelihoods and climate change adaptation and mitigation relationships. He has been involved in research at the local, national and regional level in the Congo Basin region related to forest and governance processes, policy and stakeholder networks in the context of REDD+ and climate change adaptation.

Félicien Kengoum
Research Officer, Forest and Governance Program (CIFOR)
Félicien is a Research Officer with CIFOR's Forest and Governance Programme. His works focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, media and policy networks analysis, and policy change in developing countries. Within the COBAM project, he is in charge of investigating opportunities to build synergies in national adaptation and mitigation policies in Central Africa. Félicien is completing a Doctoral degree with the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon. He holds an MSc degree on International Environmental Law from the University of Limoges, France, and a MSc degree on International Business Law and Finance from the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon.
Félicien is a Research Officer with CIFOR's Forest and Governance Programme. His works focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, media and policy networks analysis, and policy change in developing countries. Within the COBAM project, he is in charge of investigating opportunities to build synergies in national adaptation and mitigation policies in Central Africa. Félicien is completing a Doctoral degree with the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon. He holds an MSc degree on International Environmental Law from the University of Limoges, France, and a MSc degree on International Business Law and Finance from the University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon.

Flore Ndong
COBAM, Administrative and Financial Assistant (CIFOR)
She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. Over the past nine years, she has worked in many organisations and companies as an Executive Assistant or as a Financial and Administrative Assistant. She is now working at CIFOR as the Administrative and Financial Assistant for the COBAM project.
She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. Over the past nine years, she has worked in many organisations and companies as an Executive Assistant or as a Financial and Administrative Assistant. She is now working at CIFOR as the Administrative and Financial Assistant for the COBAM project.

Louis Bernard Cheteu
COBAM, Pilot Project Mentor (CIFOR)
Louis Bernard Cheteu is a Forest Engineer. He has a M.Phil in Environment Studies, with a specialisation in Sustainable Tropical Forests Management as well as several training certificates in the Forest and Environmental sectors in Africa and Europe. He has over 10 years of experience in the implementation of Sub regional projects and a good knowledge of the procedures from donors and international NGOs working in the forest-environmental sector in Central and West Africa, such as GIZ, FFEM, BAD, CBFF, CIFOR, IUFRO, FAO, OIBT, ACDI, etc. Before coming to CIFOR Louis Bernard Cheteu has worked as a supervisor of the West/Mbam and Kim zone in Forestry Revenue Enhancement Program (FREP) in Cameroon; officer at a forest company at the East of Cameroon; researcher with IRAD (Team leader of the project Okoumé of the ACP-FORENET network in Gabon); Cameroon Expert with the project OIBT N° RED-PA 056/11 Rev.1 (F); and finally as a Technical Director of the Technical Center for Council Forests (CTFC) and Project Leader with the project PEFOGRN-Congo Basin at RIFFEAC. His new tasks as "COBAM's pilot projects mentor" he is in charge of the follow-up and support to the implementation of the COBAM's pilot projects by project proponents in the l PACEBCo landscapes.
Louis Bernard Cheteu is a Forest Engineer. He has a M.Phil in Environment Studies, with a specialisation in Sustainable Tropical Forests Management as well as several training certificates in the Forest and Environmental sectors in Africa and Europe. He has over 10 years of experience in the implementation of Sub regional projects and a good knowledge of the procedures from donors and international NGOs working in the forest-environmental sector in Central and West Africa, such as GIZ, FFEM, BAD, CBFF, CIFOR, IUFRO, FAO, OIBT, ACDI, etc. Before coming to CIFOR Louis Bernard Cheteu has worked as a supervisor of the West/Mbam and Kim zone in Forestry Revenue Enhancement Program (FREP) in Cameroon; officer at a forest company at the East of Cameroon; researcher with IRAD (Team leader of the project Okoumé of the ACP-FORENET network in Gabon); Cameroon Expert with the project OIBT N° RED-PA 056/11 Rev.1 (F); and finally as a Technical Director of the Technical Center for Council Forests (CTFC) and Project Leader with the project PEFOGRN-Congo Basin at RIFFEAC. His new tasks as "COBAM's pilot projects mentor" he is in charge of the follow-up and support to the implementation of the COBAM's pilot projects by project proponents in the l PACEBCo landscapes.

Merline Touko
COBAM, Communication Consultant (CIFOR)
Merline Touko is a Communications Consultant for the project COBAM project. She will be in charge of the audiovisual creation, production and dissemination of the radio program "Au Rythme des Saisons" of CIFOR-COBAM.
Merline Touko is a Communications Consultant for the project COBAM project. She will be in charge of the audiovisual creation, production and dissemination of the radio program "Au Rythme des Saisons" of CIFOR-COBAM.

Mònica Coll Besa
Scientist (SEI)
Mònica Coll Besa is a Research Fellow at SEI Oxford. She has an MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management through the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission. She did her MSc dissertation while based at UNEP Risø¸ Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development (URC, Denmark), and her research focused on how the impacts of climate change and variability affect women's livelihoods. She worked on a case study in coastal Tanzania and integrated women's local perceptions on vulnerability and coping mechanisms. Her main professional interests include ecosystem-based adaptation, socio-ecological system dynamics including vulnerability and livelihoods, adaptation and mitigation synergies (mainly climate-smart agriculture and REDD+), and adaptation decision-making processes. She has also a strong interest in the adaptation to climate change and gender-differentiated impacts related work. Mònica's experience includes interdisciplinary research, project planning and coordination, facilitation, capacity building, and project design. In the past, she was the Project Field Coordinator at CARE International in Tanzania for the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) pilot project that promotes climate-smart agriculture in smallholder farmer systems in the South Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. In this project, she worked very closely with project partners like The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. She also established a close working relationship with Sokoine University of Agriculture, among others. She has also been involved in, and provided technical support to, the Hillside Conservation Agriculture Project (HICAP) in the South Ulugurus, also with CARE International in Tanzania. In the COBAM project, she will be involved in the assessment of the synergies and conflicts between climate adaptation and REDD+ in the Congo Basin, and she will also support the development of the weADAPT knowledge platform integrating the COBAM findings.
Mònica Coll Besa is a Research Fellow at SEI Oxford. She has an MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management through the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission. She did her MSc dissertation while based at UNEP Risø¸ Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development (URC, Denmark), and her research focused on how the impacts of climate change and variability affect women's livelihoods. She worked on a case study in coastal Tanzania and integrated women's local perceptions on vulnerability and coping mechanisms. Her main professional interests include ecosystem-based adaptation, socio-ecological system dynamics including vulnerability and livelihoods, adaptation and mitigation synergies (mainly climate-smart agriculture and REDD+), and adaptation decision-making processes. She has also a strong interest in the adaptation to climate change and gender-differentiated impacts related work. Mònica's experience includes interdisciplinary research, project planning and coordination, facilitation, capacity building, and project design. In the past, she was the Project Field Coordinator at CARE International in Tanzania for the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) pilot project that promotes climate-smart agriculture in smallholder farmer systems in the South Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. In this project, she worked very closely with project partners like The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. She also established a close working relationship with Sokoine University of Agriculture, among others. She has also been involved in, and provided technical support to, the Hillside Conservation Agriculture Project (HICAP) in the South Ulugurus, also with CARE International in Tanzania. In the COBAM project, she will be involved in the assessment of the synergies and conflicts between climate adaptation and REDD+ in the Congo Basin, and she will also support the development of the weADAPT knowledge platform integrating the COBAM findings.

Dr Nicole Gross-Camp
Senior Research Associate (UEA)
Dr Nicole Gross-Camp is an Environmental Scientist specialising in the African tropics. She is based out of the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia (UEA) where she speng most recently a part of an interdisciplinary team to evaluate a Payments for Environmental Services (PES) scheme in the Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. Dr Gross-Camp is interested is interested in research that examines the socio-ecological elements of protected area formation, environmental justice, and community-based conservation. She is equally committed to capacity building of African nationals and the promotion of women in science.
Dr Nicole Gross-Camp is an Environmental Scientist specialising in the African tropics. She is based out of the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia (UEA) where she speng most recently a part of an interdisciplinary team to evaluate a Payments for Environmental Services (PES) scheme in the Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. Dr Gross-Camp is interested is interested in research that examines the socio-ecological elements of protected area formation, environmental justice, and community-based conservation. She is equally committed to capacity building of African nationals and the promotion of women in science.

Olufunso Somorin
Associate Professional Officer (CIFOR)
Olufunso is an Associate Professional Officer with CIFOR's Forest and Governance Programme working on institutional and governance systems of climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Central African forest sector. Olufunso's research seeks to balance theoretical perspectives with social realities and policy practices, particularly within the domains of development and climate policies. Since 2008, his work within the CoFCCA project looks at how different institutional systems influence adaptation outcomes of forest-dependent societies. Within COBAM, he will be investigating the opportunities and challenges of synergy between adaptation and mitigation. Olufunso is finalizing his doctoral degree with Wageningen University. He holds an MSc in forest and nature conservation policy from Wageningen University, with specialisation in international environmental policies. He also holds an MSc degree in Agriculture and Forestry from the University of Eastern Finland (formerly the University. of Joensuu) specialisation in international forest policy. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Forest Resources Management from the the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Olufunso has published a number of publications on forest and climate change.
Olufunso is an Associate Professional Officer with CIFOR's Forest and Governance Programme working on institutional and governance systems of climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Central African forest sector. Olufunso's research seeks to balance theoretical perspectives with social realities and policy practices, particularly within the domains of development and climate policies. Since 2008, his work within the CoFCCA project looks at how different institutional systems influence adaptation outcomes of forest-dependent societies. Within COBAM, he will be investigating the opportunities and challenges of synergy between adaptation and mitigation. Olufunso is finalizing his doctoral degree with Wageningen University. He holds an MSc in forest and nature conservation policy from Wageningen University, with specialisation in international environmental policies. He also holds an MSc degree in Agriculture and Forestry from the University of Eastern Finland (formerly the University. of Joensuu) specialisation in international forest policy. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Forest Resources Management from the the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Olufunso has published a number of publications on forest and climate change.

Richard Sufo Kankeu
COBAM, Researcher/GIS expert (CIFOR)
Richard is an expert on Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing. His research domain within COBAM is the development of a methodology to evaluate carbon stocks through MRV/MNV systems and remote sensing. Richard is likewise a forest management expert with 4 years of experience working in a forest company in Cameroon and Congo. He has a Master's degree in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Dschang, Cameroon, and has followed additional training in cartography at the geomatics lab of the sale University in collaboration with the United Nations University (UNU-INRA) and World Resources Institute (WRI), forest management with ATIBT, and timber tracking system management with the Cameroon timber tracking system (STBC). Furthermore, he implemented and monitored the Rain-forest Alliance TLTV-SGS and Smartwood certification baselines.
Richard is an expert on Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing. His research domain within COBAM is the development of a methodology to evaluate carbon stocks through MRV/MNV systems and remote sensing. Richard is likewise a forest management expert with 4 years of experience working in a forest company in Cameroon and Congo. He has a Master's degree in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Dschang, Cameroon, and has followed additional training in cartography at the geomatics lab of the sale University in collaboration with the United Nations University (UNU-INRA) and World Resources Institute (WRI), forest management with ATIBT, and timber tracking system management with the Cameroon timber tracking system (STBC). Furthermore, he implemented and monitored the Rain-forest Alliance TLTV-SGS and Smartwood certification baselines.

Dr Roger Few
Senior Research Fellow (UEA)
Dr Roger Few is based in the School of International Development at University of East Anglia (UEA). He works primarily in developing countries, with a focus on the linkages between environmental risk and poverty. As a social scientist with a background in human geography, his interests center on questions of social vulnerability and adaptation to climatic and other environmental hazards. He has undertaken most of his research within an inter-disciplinary setting, working in combination with a range of social, environmental and medical scientists. In recent years Dr Few has led several major projects relating to climate change risk and adaptation, funded by the UK research councils, DFID, UNDP and the European Union.
Dr Roger Few is based in the School of International Development at University of East Anglia (UEA). He works primarily in developing countries, with a focus on the linkages between environmental risk and poverty. As a social scientist with a background in human geography, his interests center on questions of social vulnerability and adaptation to climatic and other environmental hazards. He has undertaken most of his research within an inter-disciplinary setting, working in combination with a range of social, environmental and medical scientists. In recent years Dr Few has led several major projects relating to climate change risk and adaptation, funded by the UK research councils, DFID, UNDP and the European Union.

Dr Sukaina Bharwani
Scientist (SEI)
Sukaina Bharwani has a PhD in Applied Computing and Social Scienes, and a Bachelors degree in Social Anthropology.. Her background in social anthropology and computer science enables her to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the concepts of vulnerability and adaptation. She played an important role in the agent-based modeling approach of the CLOUD project. This project focused on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers in a communal irrigation scheme of a village in Limpopo Province, South Africa. She has also been involved in the NeWater project, on vulnerability and adaptation in the context of integrated water management. Her other projects include research on innovative methods for disseminating adaptation knowledge. Sukaina is in charge of the strategic development of weADAPT, a knowledge-sharing platform on climate change adaptation.
Sukaina Bharwani has a PhD in Applied Computing and Social Scienes, and a Bachelors degree in Social Anthropology.. Her background in social anthropology and computer science enables her to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the concepts of vulnerability and adaptation. She played an important role in the agent-based modeling approach of the CLOUD project. This project focused on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers in a communal irrigation scheme of a village in Limpopo Province, South Africa. She has also been involved in the NeWater project, on vulnerability and adaptation in the context of integrated water management. Her other projects include research on innovative methods for disseminating adaptation knowledge. Sukaina is in charge of the strategic development of weADAPT, a knowledge-sharing platform on climate change adaptation.

Tahia Devisscher
Scientist (SEI)
Tahia Devisscher has an MSc in Environmental Sciences and Politics Management (as part of the programme Ersamus Mundus by the European Commission). She is currently a research fellow at Stockholm University in Oxford. Her work focuses on socio-ecological systems, governance of complex adaptive systems, and on sustainable development in Latin America, Asia and Africa. She has collaborated with many organisations such as the Stockholm Environment Institute, the World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, and World Vision. In the COBAM project, she will be in charge of observing synergies and conflicts between adaptation to climate change and REDD+ within the Congo Basin. She is also a determinant in the ESPA and EU C3D+ projects in developing countries. She promotes the use of different informative methods while planning adaptation, working with partners to ameliorate innovative services, materials and methods within the collaborative platform on climate change, weADAPT.org.
Tahia Devisscher has an MSc in Environmental Sciences and Politics Management (as part of the programme Ersamus Mundus by the European Commission). She is currently a research fellow at Stockholm University in Oxford. Her work focuses on socio-ecological systems, governance of complex adaptive systems, and on sustainable development in Latin America, Asia and Africa. She has collaborated with many organisations such as the Stockholm Environment Institute, the World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, and World Vision. In the COBAM project, she will be in charge of observing synergies and conflicts between adaptation to climate change and REDD+ within the Congo Basin. She is also a determinant in the ESPA and EU C3D+ projects in developing countries. She promotes the use of different informative methods while planning adaptation, working with partners to ameliorate innovative services, materials and methods within the collaborative platform on climate change, weADAPT.org.

Youssoufa Bele
Scientist (CIFOR), PhD Student
Youssoufa Bele is a scientist interested in conservation and natural resource management, particularly in the context of adaptation to climate change. He approaches climate change adaptation through an integrative framework that encompasses adaptation for forests (reducing the impacts of climate change on forests and their ecosystem services) and forests for adaptation (using forests to help local people and society in general to adapt to climate variability and change). Within COBAM, he will be analysing local vulnerabilities to climate change and other threats and identifying opportunities for enhancing local adaptive capacity by facilitating the definition, design and implementation of adaptation strategies by communities at selected sites. Youssoufa Bele holds an Erasmus Mundus double MSc in Forestry and Nature Conservation with a focus on Forest Ecology and Management from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands And in European forestry from the University of Eastern Finland as well as a MSc in botany and ecology from the University of Buea, Cameroon. He is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. He is author of several publications related to his research interests.
Youssoufa Bele is a scientist interested in conservation and natural resource management, particularly in the context of adaptation to climate change. He approaches climate change adaptation through an integrative framework that encompasses adaptation for forests (reducing the impacts of climate change on forests and their ecosystem services) and forests for adaptation (using forests to help local people and society in general to adapt to climate variability and change). Within COBAM, he will be analysing local vulnerabilities to climate change and other threats and identifying opportunities for enhancing local adaptive capacity by facilitating the definition, design and implementation of adaptation strategies by communities at selected sites. Youssoufa Bele holds an Erasmus Mundus double MSc in Forestry and Nature Conservation with a focus on Forest Ecology and Management from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands And in European forestry from the University of Eastern Finland as well as a MSc in botany and ecology from the University of Buea, Cameroon. He is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. He is author of several publications related to his research interests.