Paying landowners to let forests grow is promoted by the United Nations as a viable way to fight global warming, but experts first have to puzzle out how to insure trees against going up in smoke. Forest owners want full access to credits as fast as possible. But insurers suggest that half be retained in buffer funds in case forests vanish in a few decades. If a forest disappeared, the credits in the funds would go to them. “How much land managers will see of the price is what the excitement is about,” said Frances Seymour, head of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Indonesia.
Media Coverage
Selimbau, surga anggrek hitam
Leon B, ahli anggrek dari CIFOR dan Riak Bumi Kalimantan Barat menyebutkan, di Kecamatan Selimbau, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, telah ada taman alami anggrek yang didirikan setahun lalu. Taman ini merupakan hasil kerja sama CIFOR, Riak Bumi dan masyarakat Selimbau.
Eloknya Anggrek di sisi sungai
Anggrek alam di Danau Sentarum yang telah teridentifikasi oleh tim peneliti Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) dan Riak Bumi sebanyak 135 jenis. Jumlah ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan kekayaan taman nasional di Kanada yang hanya memiliki 28 jenis anggrek.
Terancam kebijakan yang tidak ramah lingkungan
Danau Sentarum merupakan kawasan yang banyak menyimpan kekayaan alam yang tentunya harus kita lindungi dari sekarang. Sudah sering dipaparkan di media ini yang menyebutkan, hasil riset yang dilakukan lembaga penelitian seperti CIFOR dan yayasan Riak Bumi tentang potensi danau ini. Nilai penting yang ada di kawasan TNDS, yang merupakan hasil penelitian dari CIFOR dan Yayasan Riak Bumi, selain disebutkan diatas (seperti perikanan, hutan dan lahan gambut), ternyata masih ada potensi-potensi lain, salah satunya adalah sebagai pemasok ikan air tawar terbanyak di Kalbar.
Climate talks defer major challenges
International climate negotiators left Poland last week with a roadmap for completing work on a global-warming treaty in 2009 — a small yet critical step in the face of the global economic meltdown. But delegates left the basic questions about how to structure the deforestation deal for next year. Frances Seymour who heads the Center for International Forestry Research in Bogor Barat, Indonesia, says the architecture will have to be flexible : a market-based approach might breed corruption in countries with poor governance and weak institutions, but could do well where the problem is one of resources. « This is the biggest thing that has happened in forest conservation in 15 years, » she says. « But it also has the potential to crash and burn if we get it wrong. »
Climate Change Carbon Markets – What’s In It for the Poor?
There was broad agreement in Poznan that if substantial carbon credits for conservation of forests were available, then it would be more profitable or beneficial to conserve rather than convert forests into lumber or clear for agriculture, says Frances Seymour, director general of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). “Forests are crucial for fighting and adapting to climate change,” Seymour said at a press conference in Poznan. CIFOR, among many others, favours a pay-to-preserve forests scheme known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD).
Le rôle de la forêt reconnu à Poznan
Le marché du carbone (60 milliards de dollars, soit 43 milliards d’euros, en 2007 selon la Banque mondiale) se partage entre projets industriels et énergies renouvelables. « Ces gisements de réduction des émissions à bas coût commencent à se tarir, observe Clément Chenost, consultant en finance carbone chez Ernst & Young. C’est le cas des projets de réduction des gaz fluorés, qui pourraient ne plus être acceptés sur les marchés carbone après 2013 ; sur les énergies renouvelables aussi, il y a aujourd’hui parfois plus d’investisseurs que de vendeurs de crédits. Avec la capture et le stockage du carbone, les projets forestiers constituent le principal filon. » Selon le Centre international de recherche forestière (Cifor).
Wp?yw wycinki lasów na emisj? CO2
CO2 zmagazynowane w lasach powinno by? w??czone w ?wiatowy rynek emisji tego gazu. Mo?e to by? jeden ze sposobów na unikni?cie wycinania lasów oraz pozyskanie pieni?dzy do ograniczania zmian klimatycznych – powiedzia? wiceminister ?rodowiska Janusz Zaleski. Wiceminister, który uczestniczy w konferencji klimatycznej w Poznaniu, doda?, ?e nale?y przeprowadzi? badania i oceni? ile dwutlenku w?gla poch?aniaj? poszczególne obszary lasów. Obecna na konferencji Frances Seymour z organizacji CIFOR (ang. Center for International Forestry Research) zaznaczy?a, ?e zrównowa?one gospodarowanie lasami pozwala z?agodzi? skutki zmian klimatu, jak i przystosowa? si? do nich.
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