On the sidelines of the Lima Climate Change Conference the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) convened the event ‘REDD+ Emerging?: What We Can Learn from Sub-National Initiatives.’ The event’s speakers considered both the challenges sub-national REDD+ initiatives face and ways to align local and national level actions.
Media Coverage
Asia-Pacific Regional Coverage – IISD
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has released a brief on the outcomes of discussions on environmental valuation approaches in Indonesia. The discussions identified steps to improve coordination throughout the valuation process and to enhance the contribution of valuation to improved environmental governance.
“The main reason forests are disappearing in this region is agriculture, it is the expansion of commercial agriculture,” Peter Holmgren, director general of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR),said at the COP20 summit in Lima. Agroforestry is a way to reconcile agriculture, forest conservation and food production without generating greenhouse gas emissions.
CIFOR Project Prepares PES Guide
As part of a project on land tenure and use rights in Indonesia the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) developed a guide on conducting feasibility assessments for payments for ecosystem services (PES).
The guide is intended to complement existing good practice guides on PES by elaborating on the initial step of PES.
Protecting mangroves can lower disaster risks, offer cash: experts
A joint report by UNEP and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), launched in Lima, estimates the economic cost of the destruction of carbon-rich mangroves worldwide at $42 billion annually. Better protecting the world’s fast-disappearing mangroves could have big economic, social and environmental benefits, experts said at the U.N. climate talks in Lima this week.
GLF Statement Calls for Greater Participation and Coordination
The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) organizers and participants, like CIFOR, released an ‘Outcome Statement’ that recognizes the link between healthy landscapes and efforts to address climate change. The statement reflects discussions among the 1,700 participants about how landscapes approaches contribute to sustainable solutions around the world.
COP20: Peter Holmgren, CIFOR
CIFORs DG Peter Holmgren tells at COP20 UN Climate Change Conference 2014 RTCC that the private finance sector needs to step up,and improve access to finance for farmers and producers to improve natural resource management. He explains that human rights, land rights, equity and gender are prerequisites for healthy landscapes and more protected forests.
Gender inequality merits greater attention in climate decisions: panel
When discussing REDD+ it’s important that scientists and those implementing initiatives consider gender, says Anne Larson, a Principal Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientists and indigenous leaders at a gender session at the Global Landscapes Forum stressed the need to consider how climate change might affect men and women differently, and to incorporate gender into studies of both mitigation and adaptation.