Media Coverage


PLH Akan Dimasukkan Mulog SD-SMA

PLH Akan Dimasukkan Mulog SD-SMA

Untuk Menjaga Kelestarian Lingkungan

MALINAU-Untuk mempertahankan dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup agar tetap terjaga dengan baik, sangat sulit dan banyak tantangan sehingga dibutuhkan perhatian dan partisipasi masyarakat sejak dini. Demikian dikatakan, Arif Data Kususma, awareness and education coordinator WWF Indonesia kepada KPNN kemarin.

Observasi di TNKM

Observasi di TNKM

MESKI baru tahap awal, rencana pengelolahan Tanam Nasional Kayan Mentarang (TNKM) yang dinyatakan sebagai paru-paru dunia mulai ada kemajuan. Kemarin, pihak GTZ salah satu LSM dari Jerman bersama rombongan dari Dinas Kehutanan provinsi didampingi center for international forest research (CIFOR) dan WWF Indonesia mengadakan pertemuan dengan Pemkab Malinau membahas masalah pengelolahan TNKM ke depan.

Tropical Forests: A Lifeline for Millions

Tropical Forests: A Lifeline for Millions

Charlie Pye-Smith, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia If tropical forests are treated with respect they can provide vital food and materials for the communities around them. However, to use them sustainably we need to understand both the forests and the needs of the local population.

In Indonesia, a fighter for the people of the forest

In Indonesia, a fighter for the people of the forest

Rimba children playing outside their home at the Bukit Duabelas National Park in Jambi province. The Rimba, who number in the few thousand, are one of several Indonesian forest communities, a drop in this vast country’s 212 million population. AFP AFP – The sound of an insect can make Tumenggung Tarib weep. It happened once after he traded his customary loincloth for a shirt and trousers to fly the "big bird" from his Sumatran jungle home to the alien world of Jakarta.

CIFOR Buat Perpustakaan Mini

CIFOR Buat Perpustakaan Mini

UNTUK mempublikasikan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan selama ini, Malinau Research Forest Center for International Forestry Research (MRF-CIFOR) membuat perpustakaan mini untuk masyarakat umum. Field Manager MRF CIFOR, Riskan Effendi kepada KPNN kemarin mengatakan, hingga November 2004 telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan di Malinau. Berkaitan dengan itu, maka Kantor MRF CIFOR Malinau membuka perpustakaan mini di mana perpustakaan tersebut terbuka untuk umum. Artinya, siapa saja yang memerlukan hasil penelitian dari CIFOR bisa datang membacanya atau meminjam setiap hari kerja mulai jam 09.00-15.00 wita.

INTERVIEW:China’s Wood Demand May Hurt Indonesia Forests

INTERVIEW:China’s Wood Demand May Hurt Indonesia Forests

JAKARTA (Dow Jones)-Indonesia may face a surge in illegal logging if China’s burgeoning paper and paperboard industry doesn’t find alternative and sustainable sources of wood supply to feed its pulp mills, a Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (BCM), executive said recently. China’s rapidly expanding pulp and paper mills will lack adequate domestic plantations to feed those factories for the next 10-15 years, CIBC World Markets Managing Director Don G. Roberts told Dow Jones Newswires.

AP wire service and Asia News Yahoo.Com (the originals was Singapore News Yahoo.Com)

AP wire service and Asia News Yahoo.Com (the originals was Singapore News Yahoo.Com)

China’s wood demand may hurt Indonesia forests Indonesia may face an onslaught of illegal logging if China’s burgeoning paper industry doesn’t find other sources of wood supply to feed its pulp mills, a foreign bank executive says. China’s threat to Indonesian forests already denuded by decades of rampant illegal logging reflects the widening impact that China’s voracious demand for raw materials is having on global markets and the environment.
