When it comes to Indonesia’s forests, the news is usually bad. But according to an international forestry expert, there’s some good news as well. Doris Capistrano, director of the Forests and Governance Program at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), said that in the last two years Indonesia has been active in pursuing illegal loggers, enforcing stricter laws against violators and implementing a range of other actions to safeguard the country’s precious forest resources.
Media Coverage
Frances Seymour:”Cameroon is Particularly Interesting for Forest Management Studies
Frances Seymour, director general of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) explains the whole idea behind the model forest project.
Akom II Population Schooled on Forest Management
The little locality played host to the CIFOR Director General, Frances Seymour, over the weekend. It was with pomp and pageantry that the people of Efoulan II, Nko’ongop in Akom II sub division of the South province, received the Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Frances Seymour, who travelled all the way from Indonesia to make a bird’s eye assessment of the implementation of the Model Forest concept in the Campo Ma’an forest reserve area.
Agroforesterie : La recherche, base du développement
Le ministre de la Recherche scientifique et de l’Innovation, Madeleine Tchuinté, a reçu hier en son cabinet, les directeurs généraux du Centre international pour la recherche en agroforesterie (ICRAF), Dennis Garrity, et du Centre international de recherche sur les forêts (CIFOR), Frances Seymour, tous deux arrivés au Cameroun en fin de semaine dernière. La rencontre annoncée comme une simple audience, s’est très vite transformée en séance de travail. Les trois parties ayant été littéralement emportées par l’importance du sujet. L’exploitation judicieuse des ressources forestières, autant pour la conservation de l’équilibre écologique du monde que pour le développement des peuples. C’est à ce défi, contradictoire pour certains, que la coopération entre le Cameroun, à travers les instituts de recherche du MINRESI, l’ICRAF et le CIFOR s’attellent depuis de nombreuses années déjà. Au cours de la rencontre d’hier, le tour de la question sur les orientations de cette vision commune de la gestion des forêts a été fait.
Old-Growth Finds the New World
Many homeowners in Southeast Asia use teak "like a bank," said Philippe Guizol, a researcher who frequently works with the Center for International Forestry Research, a conservation organization based in Indonesia. "If you need cash and you have teak in your floor, you just sell it," Mr. Guizol said.
Same version of the article also published in San Francisco Chronicle
Your letter: On the greenhouse effect
C.G. Moghe is well justified in calling for a careful discussion of Indonesia’s biofuel drive (The Jakarta Post, March 6), but some scientific clarification is required in the interests of informed debate. In particular, his concern about additional waste heat from burning biofuels, thus adding significantly to the greenhouse effect, is based on a misunderstanding and is therefore misleading. Waste heat is notbad as the greenhouse gases" emitted from burning fossil fuels.
Guyana and the Wider World: Poverty and the forestry sector Part 6
This column will conclude the discussion on the failure of the forestry sector to alleviate poverty, and introduce the subject of next week’s column which will follow the supply chain to the principal destinations for Guyana’s prime hardwood logs. In 2004, David Kaimowitz, then the Director General of CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) evocatively described the boom in imports of wood fibre into China, consequent on its 1998 partial ban on logging in natural forest and the rapid expansion of wood-using industries, mostly geared to export markets, as "the giant sucking sound of Chinese forestry imports."
La directrice du Cifor à Yaoundé
C’est loin du cadre luxuriant de Nkolbisson, où se trouve le siège au Cameroun du Centre international pour la recherche forestière internationale (Cifor), que sa directrice s’est entretenue avec la presse nationale. En effet, lundi 5 mars dernier autour de la piscine de l’Hôtel Djeuga de Yaoundé, Frances Seymour a indiqué que sa visite au Cameroun est la première du genre dans les bureaux régionaux d’Afrique, depuis sa nomination à la tête du Cifor en septembre 2006.