Researchers Rachel Carmenta (CIFOR), Jacob Phelps (University of Lancaster) and Willy Daeli (CIFOR) in the Fire and Haze component 1 study on stakeholder perceptions of fire and haze have now completed data collection. The field team, including researchers from University of Riau, endured through difficult conditions as the fire and haze crisis worsened due to the fire favoring conditions promulgated with El Niño this year. Over 220 respondents from stakeholder groups ranging from the local level to the Singapore policy community were interviewed to assess their divergent perceptions on i) the costs and benefits of fire and ii) the solutions to the peatland fires in Riau, Sumatra.
As analysis of these extensive data sets begins, the team have welcomed new comer and Q expert, Dr Aiora Zabala (Cambridge University) to their research group. Aiora brings expertize that will facilitate the analysis the team have designed and which pushes the boundaries of what has been attempted before using Q. This includes not only analyzing how different stakeholder groups are distinct in the ways they perceive the benefits, burdens and solutions to fire, but also linking stakeholders preferences regarding benefits and burdens, to their position on potential policy solutions.