Authors: Fernandes, K.; Verchot, L.V.; Baethgen, W.E.; Gutierrez-Velez, V.H.; Pinedo-Vasquez, M.; Martius, C.
Heightened fire probability in Indonesia in non-drought conditions: the effect of increasing temperatures
Publication Year: 2017
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Fernandes, K.; Verchot, L.V.; Baethgen, W.E.; Gutierrez-Velez, V.H.; Pinedo-Vasquez, M.; Martius, C.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Carmenta, R.; Porter-Jacobs, L.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Murdiyarso, D.; Hergoualc'h, K.; Sasmito, S.D.; Hanggara, B.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Sola, P.; Cerutti, P.O.; Zhou, W.; Gautier, D.; Iiyama, M.; Schure, J.; Chenevoy, A.; Yila, J.; Dufe, V.; Nasi, R.; Petrokofsky, G.; Shepherd, G.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Jadmiko, S.D.; Murdiyarso, D.; Faqih, A.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Purnomo, H.; Shantiko, B.; Sitorus, S.; Gunawan, H.; Achdiawan, R.; Kartodihardjo, H.; Dewayani, A.A.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Schile, L.M.; Kauffman, J.B.; Crooks, S.; Fourqurean, J.W.; Glavan, J.; Megonigal, J.P.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Sayer, J.A.; Margules, C.; Boedhihartono, A.K.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Langston, J.D.; Reed, J.; Riggs, R.; Buck, L.E.; Campbell, B.M.; Kusters, K.; Elliott, C.; Minang, P.A.; Dale, A.; Purnomo, H.; Stevenson, J.R.; Gunarso, P.; Purnomo, A.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Borchard, N.; Adolphs, T.; Beulshausen, F.; Ladd, B.; Gießelmann, U.C.; Hegenberg, D.; Möseler, B.M.; Amelung, W.
Publication Year: 2017
Authors: Gaveau, D.L.A.; Pirard, R.; Salim, M.A.; Tonoto, P.; Husnayaen; Parks, S.A.; Carmenta, R.