Participatory Action Research (PAR) is known as a scientific method to understand a phenomenon and transform behavior of its actors at the same time. PAR is a way to do social transformation in a participatory way [1][2]. Transforming behavior of communities needs to be done in participatory and systematic ways in order to be socially accepted and scalable. We will undertake a PAR that embrace the following loops of steps:
(a) Reflection of community based practices for fire prevention and restoration including baseline study;
(b) Planning of CBFPR in Dompas;
(c) Action in Dompas; and
(d) Monitoring the changing behavior with theory of change (TOC).
The desk review of CBFPR practices in Sumatra and Kalimantan will be carried out to provide overall picture of CBFPR in Indonesia and take lesson from them. The desk review of CBFPR, aimed at understanding the land management practices and technologies used by different community groups, and compare their effectiveness to prevent fire and provide livelihoods, as well as the social and economic factors explaining their adoption and use. Mixed quantitative (e.g. multivariate statistics) and qualitative analysis will be implemented to draw lessons from existing community practices. The focus of analysis will be on cost and benefit, various technologies they uses, market and value chains and institutional arrangements including existing farmer organization schemes and community-company-public partnerships. In the ‘Reflection’ phase, we will conduct baseline study including household survey and investigating local institution, human and land resources. Consultations with key stakeholders will be carried out to get insights for developing the CBFPR model. In the planning phase, we will select the CBFRP location, divide responsibilities and develop cost benefit sharing mechanism together the village and community representatives. We will discuss outputs and intermediate and long-term outcomes. To guarantee sustainability of the project, management and financial responsibility will be handed over to these representatives. The ‘Action’ phase is to realize the plan to develop a CBFPR model. The ‘Monitoring’ phase is to monitor the output, intermediate and long-term outcomes of the PAR process. This phase will be in synergy with the TOC that provides overall monitoring of the project.
[1] Selener, D. 1997. Participatory Action Research and Social Change. Cornell Participatory Action Research Network, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA, 358 pp.
[2] Purnomo H, Achdiawan R, Shantiko B, Amin SH, Irawati RH, Melati, Wadell DA. 2016. Multi-stakeholder processes to strengthen policies for small and medium-scale forestry enterprises in Indonesia. International Forestry Review 18(4):485-501.