Media Coverage


Forests gain long-awaited recognition in Paris climate summit

Forests gain long-awaited recognition in Paris climate summit

Developing nations also launched other initiatives in Paris that addressed deforestation and forest degradation such as AFR100. African nations, with support from non-government organizations and the German government, launched AFR100 at the Global Landscapes Forum during the Paris meeting. AFR100 is an African Regional initiative to restore forests. Ten African countries (the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Rwanda, Togo and Uganda) have committed to restore 100 million hectares of forest by 2030.

Conservação da biodiversidade fez parte das discussões durante a COP21

Conservação da biodiversidade fez parte das discussões durante a COP21

A importância desses temas para a resiliência da agricultura familiar e para empresas integradas a esse tipo de agricultura foi um dos temas discutidos no Global Landscape Forum, evento paralelo à Conferência. Os representantes da Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (SPVS) no evento, André Zecchin e Ricardo Borges, relataram que “empresas de renome, como MARS, Danone, Firmenich e Brookside, mostraram estar comprometidas em apoiar o pequeno produtor integrado à sua cadeia de negócios, no combate às mudanças climáticas, para garantir a prosperidade de seu negócio”.

Paris COPs 21 aftermath: Malawi secures US$12.3 million grant for disaster risk management

Paris COPs 21 aftermath: Malawi secures US$12.3 million grant for disaster risk management

Bright Msaka, Malawi Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining expressed gratitude over the conference’s outcomes which among other benefits including US$12.million grant approved by Green Climate Fund (GCF) board. “The forestry sector will benefit from Global Landscapes Forum: African Restoration Initiative also referred to as AFR100 which is a continental initiative with the goal of bringing 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested land in Africa into restoration by the year 2030.

The Jari Amapá REDD project, Brazil: Greenwashing illegal logging, a pulp mill, and a 48-year-old land grab

The Jari Amapá REDD project, Brazil: Greenwashing illegal logging, a pulp mill, and a 48-year-old land grab

The Jari Amapá REDD project is one of the projects reviewed by CIFOR in its “REDD on the ground” report. CIFOR’s researchers, Marina Cromberg, Mariana G Pereira, and Renata B Caramez, write that in the area of the REDD project. CIFOR notes that the REDD project developers see the threats to the forests to be “small-scale swidden agriculture, small- and medium-scale cattle ranching, and illegal small-scale logging by people living both inside and outside the area”. Perhaps not surprisingly, the REDD project developers do not see the industrial tree plantations as a threat to the forests. Neither do they include the greenhouse gas emissions from the pulp mill, “because they are outside the scope of its REDD+ initiative”, CIFOR’s researchers note. They add that, “the industrial cellulose pulp production realized by Jari Celulose is a major emitter of GHGs”

Guru Besar IPB: Penelitian Cifor Ungkap Kerugian Bencana Asap 2015 Capai Rp 400 T

Guru Besar IPB: Penelitian Cifor Ungkap Kerugian Bencana Asap 2015 Capai Rp 400 T

Bencana asap memang telah berlalu seiring datangnya musim hujan. Meski begitu, sejumlah pihak mendorong aksi pencegahan mulai saat ini agar bencana yang sama tak terjadi tahun depan. “Desember sampai Januari harus ada aksi. Kalau mau bikin sekat, kanalisasi, mulai dari sekarang. Kalau sudah kebakaran, kita mau apa, sangat susah,” ujar Guru Besar Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) sekaligus peneliti Center for Internasional Forestry Research (Cifor), Herry Purnomo.

De rol van jonge mensen bij het redden van het klimaat

De rol van jonge mensen bij het redden van het klimaat

Afgelopen weekend is als resultaat van de COP21 een hoopgevend klimaatakkoord getekend in Le Bourget. Een week ervoor, toen de onderhandelingen nog bezig waren, vond in het centrum van Parijs het Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) plaats. Waar de COP een politiek onderhandelingsproces is rond het bepalen van de inspanningen van landen om klimaatverandering aan te pakken, wordt op het GLF gezocht naar concrete oplossingen om die nationale bijdragen waar te maken.

Rwanda set to benefit from Africa forest restoration drive

Rwanda set to benefit from Africa forest restoration drive

Rwanda’s efforts to increase its forest cover and rehabilitate degraded forests could soon be boosted by a new initiative launched last week at the Global Landscape Forum, during the climate change meeting in Paris or COP21. Information from the ministry of Natural Resources shows that Rwanda’s forest cover   diminished rapidly in the 1990s due to poor forest management and land use conflict.

The costs and benefits of agriculture

The costs and benefits of agriculture

As climate leaders gather in Paris for the 21st Session of the Conference of Parties (COP21), farmers and food leaders are paying close attention to negotiations, which will determine how global environmental policy will continue to affect the food system. Alongside COP21, other workshops such as the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum (GLF Paris) will take place. The agenda for GLF Paris includes indigenous land rights, agroforestry, international trade and biodiversity, and tenure rights around the world.
