Media Coverage
How Indonesian Fires Are Affecting Global Climate
The fires are expected to triple Indonesia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, and increase global emissions for 2015 by 3 per cent. While nobody knows the extent of loss of species and biodiversity, as much as 2 million hectares of land (about the size of Mizoram) have burned, according to David Gaveau, a scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research in Indonesia. “The ecological cost is incommensurable,” Gaveau said in an e-mail interview with IndiaSpend. “These fires are the symptom of a land-transformation process: once lush biodiversity-rich forests transforming into unproductive degraded land with poor biodiversity over time. Of course, 90% of fires are started by people.”
Reforestation of the Earth: Australia’s Inaction …
During the Global Landscapes Forum at the UN Climate Change talks this amazing African reforestation initiative received more than $1 billion in funding from the World Bank and the German government, in addition to a further $540 million in private funding. If the Third World can do it … why can’t Australia?
Okonjo-Iweala: Nigeria, Others Require $250bn Annually to Fund Landscape Conservation
Nigeria’s former Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala cited New Climate Economy project report, solicited for support from developed economies to address the challenge of climate change in developing countries. Okonjo-Iweala, said this in a speech she presented at a high-level opening plenary of the Global Landscapes Forum held Paris at the weekend.
Ledjie Taq Berbagi Cerita di Global Landscape Forum
SEBELUMNYA tak pernah terbayangkan oleh Ledjie Taq, tokoh masyarakat Kecamatan Kongbeng, bisa tampil menjadi pembicara pada acara internasional bertajuk Global Landscape Forum (GLF). Kegiatan itu dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Internasional Center for Research Center (CIFOR), 5-6 Desember 2015 di Paris, Prancis.
Kontribusi Kebun Sawit Terhadap Kebakaran Hutan Minim
Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan (BPDP) menyatakan peran perkebunan sawit sebagai pemicu kebakaran hutan yang terjadi hanya 10 persen. Direktur Utama Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan (BPDP) Kelapa Sawit Bayu Krisnamurthi mengatakan, berdasarkan temuan Gobal Forest Watch dan CIFOR, kebakaran hutan yang disebabkan perkebunan sawit hanya 10 persen porsinya.
Destacan alcances sobre trabajos del cambio climático en París
Por otro lado, llevó a cabo un Laboratorio de Paisajes dentro de las actividades del Global Landscapes Forum, el cual presentó una caja de herramientas de Monitoreo y Zonificación de la Selva Maya.
From Paris: Government Leaders Emphasize Protecting Nature
As world leaders work toward finalizing a global climate agreement this week in Paris, there’s been a lot of focus on the technological innovations needed to manage the risks of global warming, which is positive of course. This message was loud and clear at the Global Landscapes Forum during the U.N. climate change convention here in Paris. At the forum, thousands of government, business and civil society leaders gathered to find land-use solutions for the climate, people and the environment.