as it happened

Madrid, Spain (2 - 13 December 2019)

Nature-based solutions to help address the climate crisis are gaining traction. At UNFCCC COP25 in Madrid, CIFOR-ICRAF scientists will present evidence that highlights how forest conservation, agroforestry, sustainable peatland management, and control of wildfires can support both climate and development goals. The importance of social justice and gender-equitable approaches to climate action will also be showcased.


The role of forests in addressing climate change
Amy Duchelle
Team Leader Climate Change, Energy & Low-Carbon Development, CIFOR
Forests wildfire
Rosa Román-Cuesta
Scientist, CIFOR
What’s going on at COP25?
Stephen Leonard
Climate Change Policy Analyst, CIFOR
Blue carbon and peatlands and the role they play at climate talks
Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist, CIFOR
Climate and Agriculture at COP
Christine Lamanna
Scientist, Climate Change Decision, ICRAF
NDCs and monitoring
Christopher Martius
Bonn Hub Leader and Managing Director of CIFOR Germany
Agroforestry for farmers’ livelihoods and ecosystem services
Lalisa Duguma
Scientist, Sustainable Landscapes & Integrated Climate Actions, ICRAF
Agroforestry for the NDCs
Peter A. Minang
Principal Science Advisor, ICRAF
Role of data in Nationally Determined Contributions
Pham Thu Thuy
Senior Scientist, CIFOR
Gender power relationships
Houria Djoudi
Senior Scientist, CIFOR
How to catalyze gender equitable change
Markus Ihalainen
Senior Research and Engagement Officer, CIFOR
Agroforestry for transforming commodity crops
Andrew Miccolis
Country coordinator and lead scientist of the Brazil program of World Agroforestry (ICRAF)


Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Indonesia Pavilion

Lessons learned on peatland management practices from company concessions, communities and government

Organizers: ITPC, MoEF Indonesia

Successful peatlands restoration mostly highly depend on how diverse strategies, priorities and technologie that are applied in each project. Peatlands restoration also faces challenge on economic-social-environmental trade-offs that generate intense disagreement between stakeholders holding divergent interests (e.g. company concessions, communities and local government). 

Principal Scientist, CIFOR


Korea Pavilion

Role of REDD+ for local communities: REDD+ safeguards

Organizers: Korea Forest Service

Keynote speaker:
Team Leader - Climate Change,
Energy & Low-Carbon, CIFOR


Indonesia Pavilion

Gearing towards NDC ambitions with C-Rich peatlands in the agenda

Organizers: CIFOR, ITPC, IKI, CI

In anticipation of the submission of revised NDC by Parties to the UNFCCC, it is timely to exchange experience among countries and organizations to enhance their respective capacities. Unfolding the existing NDC and assessing the ambitious plan is crucial for countries having C-rich peatlands to move forward.

Scientist, CIFOR

Daniel Murdiyarso
Principal Scientist, CIFOR
Thursday, 5 December 2019


EU Pavilion

Community forest enterprises: New models for adaptation and mitigation

Organizer: RECOFTC

As the world has industrialized, forests have paid the price. In want of quick economic growth and room for their growing populations, countries have turned over their forests to mega-projects for resource extraction and failed to regulate harmful farming practices such as slash-and-burn.

The consequence?
Forests have been decimated world over, causing communities living at their edges and beyond to suffer from a loss in ecosystem services. People around the world have suffered from climate change as greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise while trees that would otherwise absorb them disappear. This has led many to observe that forest conservation is nearly impossible without people gaining economic benefits from forests.

Senior Scientist, CIFOR
Friday, 6 December 2019


Indonesia Pavilion

Forestry in NDCs in the context of Asia-Pacific Countries: 2020 Vision

Organizer: FAO

The importance of forestry in the Paris Agreement is unique. It is the only sector with a dedicated article under the Agreement – article 5 concerning support for REDD+ in developing countries. This importance is reflected in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) developed by Asia-Pacific countries towards implementation of the Agreement; over 80% of NDCs in the region explicitly include forestry actions for climate change mitigation, adaptation or both. Four years after the Paris Agreement was ratified, countries are now in a position to review their NDCs with a view to enhancing the level of their ambition in the decade leading up to 2030, the deadline for achieving the global objectives set out at Paris. The implications of NDC commitments in the forest sector, for domestic and external investment, for policy, legislation and practice in forestry and other land use sectors, are becoming clearer and require attention in order for countries to prepare for the implementation of their NDCs.

Principal Scientist, CIFOR


NDC Pavillion

Wildfires and NDC implementation: Results from an e-discussion of the Thematic Working Group on agriculture, food security and land use

Organizers: CCPIU Mongolia, FAO, CIFOR, FTA

Monitoring NDC implementation and tracking its progress is essential to achieve countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement, both with regards to adaptation and mitigation. There are various challenges related to monitoring the outcomes of mitigation and adaptation actions in the AFOLU sector.

Scientist, CIFOR


Blue Zone, Room 2

Ensuring permanence of efforts to halt deforestation: The power of numbers under changing politics

Organizers: University of Helsinki, Freidrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena)

Major political changes and related business interests facilitate deforestation across the Global South and jeopardize permanence of efforts to halt tropical deforestation (e.g. REDD+). We will assess the role of monitoring and transparency as part of accountability in enabling permanence.

Senior Scientist, CIFOR


Indonesia Pavilion 

Getting climate results by bringing peatlands science to policy through South-South & Triangular Cooperation

Organizers: ITPC, Global Peatlands Initiative

Because of the enormous amounts of carbon they represent and the catastrophic consequences their drainage has generated in the past, peatlands have been the focus of attention and have been acknowledged as one of the priority ecosystems for Climate Action through their protection, restoration and sustainable management.

Scientist, CIFOR


EU Pavilion

Laying the foundation for an inclusive global stocktake: Independent data, transparency and analysis

Organizers: ClimateWorks Foundation, CIFOR

The Independent Global Stocktake (iGST) is a data and advocacy initiative that brings together climate modelers, analysts and advocates to support the Global Stocktake (GST), an essential feature of the Paris Agreement. Independent actors must work to increase its accuracy, transparency, accountability and relevance to the decision makers. Transparency is often discussed controversially, related to fearr over ownership and control–however, greater transparency has been called for, e.g in Article 13.

Bonn Hub Leader &
Managing Director of CIFOR Germany
Saturday, 7 December 2019


Chile Pavilion

Social and environmental justice as a trigger of robust ambitious climate action and prosperous future for all

Organizers: CAN, Climate Strategies, CGIAR-FTA

Climate change profoundly affects ecosystems, societies, and people all over the world, especially the most vulnerable. To cope with it relevant simultaneous transformations in diverse fronts are needed and by doing so it is fundamental to ensure it is done in a fair and equitable way. The side event will touch upon on consideration for a just transition from the lens of urban and rural dwellers. FAO and FTA will present a methodology to assess the vulnerability of forests and forest-dependent people, and Climate Strategies will introduce thoughts on impacts of decarbonization on workers in high carbon activities like fossil fuel extraction. A panel including representatives from different constituencies will then explore how social and environmental justice can ground fair ambition in the NDCs.

Principal Scientist, ICRAF
Monday, 9 December 2019


CHILOE Press Conference Room, Hall 10

Conferencia de prensa REDD+: la transformación Lecciones y nuevas direcciones

Organizer: CIFOR

The press conference will highlight a critical, evidence-based analysis of REDD+ implementation as the results of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ conducted by CIFOR for more than 10 years.


Team Leader - Climate Change,
Energy & Low-Carbon, CIFOR
Bonn Hub Leader &
Managing Director of CIFOR Germany


Blue Zone, Room 2

What is the role of finance and technology in catalyzing sustainable and gender-equitable change?


This event will discuss if, how and under what conditions climate finance and technology can help catalyze transformative and sustainable social change in forest landscapes.

Live broadcast will be available

Team Leader - Climate Change,
Energy & Low-Carbon, CIFOR
Senior Scientist, CIFOR
Principal Scientist, ICRAF

Markus Ihalainen
Senior Research and Engagement Officer, CIFOR
Thursday, 12 December 2019


Brazil Climate Action Hub

Forest Landscape Restoration Brazil experiences

A study led by The Nature Conservancy estimated that there are 678 million hectares of land available for reforestation globally with the potential to sequester more than 10 gigatons of carbon (Natural Climate Solution). This is approximately 10% of the emissions reductions needed by 2030 to limit global warming to less than 2°C.



GCF Pavilion

Environmental and social safeguards: Climate finance, indigenous people and civil society

Organizers: Green Climate Fund Independent Evaluation Unit

The Independent Evaluation Unit of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will facilitate a discussion of key areas related to environmental and social safeguards, based on its recent evaluations, including in the Forward-Looking Performance Review and drawing insights from its evaluation of the GCF’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and its Management System.

Team Leader - Climate Change,
Energy & Low-Carbon, CIFOR


For any inquiries, including media interviews, regarding CIFOR research and climate change work, please contact Jeremy Van Loon at


Funding partners
