as it happened
Madrid, Spain (2 - 13 December 2019)
Nature-based solutions to help address the climate crisis are gaining traction. At UNFCCC COP25 in Madrid, CIFOR-ICRAF scientists will present evidence that highlights how forest conservation, agroforestry, sustainable peatland management, and control of wildfires can support both climate and development goals. The importance of social justice and gender-equitable approaches to climate action will also be showcased.
The role of forests in addressing climate change
Team Leader Climate Change, Energy & Low-Carbon Development, CIFOR
Forests wildfire
Scientist, CIFOR
What’s going on at COP25?
Climate Change Policy Analyst, CIFOR
Blue carbon and peatlands and the role they play at climate talks
Principal Scientist, CIFOR
Climate and Agriculture at COP
Scientist, Climate Change Decision, ICRAF
NDCs and monitoring
Bonn Hub Leader and Managing Director of CIFOR Germany
Agroforestry for farmers’ livelihoods and ecosystem services
Scientist, Sustainable Landscapes & Integrated Climate Actions, ICRAF
Agroforestry for the NDCs
Principal Science Advisor, ICRAF
Role of data in Nationally Determined Contributions
Senior Scientist, CIFOR
Gender power relationships
Senior Scientist, CIFOR
How to catalyze gender equitable change
Senior Research and Engagement Officer, CIFOR
Agroforestry for transforming commodity crops
Country coordinator and lead scientist of the Brazil program of World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Related Publications
For any inquiries, including media interviews, regarding CIFOR research and climate change work, please contact Jeremy Van Loon at
This work is part of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), which is supported by CGIAR Fund Donors.