Facilitating the local community to attend an entrepreneurship workshop | Community-Based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration

Facilitating the local community to attend an entrepreneurship workshop

In a partnership with Bengkalis district’s Regional Council Members, CIFOR facilitated the local community to attend an entrepreneurship workshop held in Loka Patra Cultural Building, Bengkalis on 16 December 2018. The workshop was opened by the Regional Secretary of Riau province, Mr. Ahmad Hijazi, followed by opening remarks by Dr. Gamal Albinsaid, a social entrepreneur, activist, doctor and 2014 winner of the HRH the Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Award. Dr. Albinsaid shared tips on how to become an entrepreneur, encouraging attendees to become entrepreneurs who generate positive impacts in their local surroundings. The experience of this workshop is expected to have personal growth and motivational benefits for members of the local community.


