PAR CBFPR on LTKL’s Sustainable District Festival

Festival Kabupaten Lestari or Sustainable District Festival is an annual event co-hosted by Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) and the member district. Prior to the Sustainable District Festival in Siak of Riau Province, LTKL hosted a press conference in Jakarta on 8 October 2019. In this press conference, Prof. Herry Purnomo presented PAR CBFPR in a panel session with the Head of BRG and Bupati (leader) of Siak District.

Sustainable District Festival at Siak District

Sustainable District Festival serves as a communication forum for district member and partners to foster collaboration toward sustainability. Siak district is selected to be the host for 2019 annual festival. The festival was hosted from 10 to 12 October 2019. CIFOR’s role in this event was resource person for Bincang Lestari (sustainability talk) and Temu Inovasi (meet the innovator). Our attendance was extremely important to communicate PAR process as well as start engagement with government officials of Siak and local NGOs working in the similar issue in Siak District for potential scaling-up of PAR CBFPR.

CIFOR in Bincang Lestari session.

Bincang Lestari session opened with the remark from Bupati of Siak (Riau), Musi Banyuasin (South Sumatera) and Sintang (West Kalimantan). Then, resource person including Dyah Puspitaloka of PAR CBFPR introduced PAR project which was conducted in Bengkalis District. The Bupati of Siak gave a warm welcome for CIFOR’s PAR approach. Following this session, Dyah and Zulkardi presented PAR CBFPR in greater detail in Temu Inovasi session, where she shared the work on fire prevention and peatland restoration with local community funded by Singapore Cooperation Enterprise and Temasek Foundation. CIFOR shared the session with WRI and Kopernik. Some questions addressed to CIFOR are: 1) what competency are needed by the local community to contribute for successful peatland management, 2) how to influence the changes in behavior for young generation.

CIFOR in Temu Inovator session.


Interview with local news outlet.

