Media CoveragePage 3 | Center for International Forestry Research

Media Coverage


Decentralize to save the forest

Decentralize to save the forest

Bhs. Indonesia: Akhir-akhir ini media massa menerbitkan laporan mengenai program penghutanan kembali. Ini merupakan inisiatif yang patut dipuji. Namun sayangnya, dengan keadaan pemerintah yang dirudung masalah berakibat pada pengelolaan hutan dan lahan hutan di Indonesia, hingga inisiatif tersebut bisa tak bermanfaat.

English: In recent times the media has carried a number of stories about the government’s reforestation program. While this is a laudable initiative, given the current governance problems affecting the management of Indonesian forests and forest land, the initiative may prove unviable.

Hari Pangan Sedunia digelar besok di Semarang

Hari Pangan Sedunia digelar besok di Semarang

SEMARANG (Bisnis): Sedikitnya 60 organisasi pangan nasional dan internasional akan mengikuti peringatan Hari Pangan Se-Dunia (HPS) yang dijadwalkan besok di Lapangan Turangga Ceta, Yon Kavaleri Serbu, Ambarawa, Kabupaten Semarang. Peringatan HPS ke-23 ini dengan filosofi kelaparan merupakan penyebab sekaligus dampak dari kemiskinan itu akan dibuka Menko Perekonomian Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti.

Hasil Survei, Miskin Tak Punya Uang

Hasil Survei, Miskin Tak Punya Uang

MALINAU-Setelah sehari melakukan survei kemiskinan di empat desa di wilayah Malinau Kecamatan Malinau Utara yakni Desa Long Payang, Long Lihi, Long Tebunyau dan Menabur Senede, akhirnya tim sudah bisa mengindentifikasi dan menentukan indikator keluarga miskin (gakin) menurut masyarakat setempat.

Kemana Harus Melangkah? Masyarakat, Hutan, Dan Perumusan Kebijakan di Indonesia

Kemana Harus Melangkah? Masyarakat, Hutan, Dan Perumusan Kebijakan di Indonesia

Potret Kerumitan Pengelolaan Hutan

Bhs. Indonesia: Di banyak negara, gejala yang muncul keluar adalah penyelenggaraan negara yang buruk mengakibatkan kerusakan pada hutan dan lahan, dan tonggak dari ekspresi publik mengenai pemerintahan yang korup adalah pada perjuangan perimbangan akses ke sumberdaya alam.

English: In many countries the most visible symptom of bad governance has been the abuse of forests and land, and the lightning rod for expression of public dissatisfaction with corrupt governments has been the struggle for equity in access to natural resources. It was therefore no surprise to find Indonesia’s nascent environmental organizations at the forefront of the barricades during these tumultuous days in May 1998 that led to the overthrow of the Soeharto regime.

Can money-laundering law catch illegal loggers?

Can money-laundering law catch illegal loggers?

The writers JM Winer and TF Roule in their January paper The Finance of Illicit Resource Extraction, state the need for a genuine drive to link efforts at preventing the illegal exploitation of natural resources with antimoney-laundering initiatives currently on the increase throughout the world.

Local Fires Require Global Solutions

Local Fires Require Global Solutions

(Bogor, Indonesia) As a US citizen working in Indonesia for an organization set up with considerable Australian assistance, I take an active interest in the stories about Australia that appear in the Indonesian media. Given the capricious nature of the Indonesia-Australian relationship you would expect these stories to focus on the countries’ political relations. But the stories cover the full spectrum of sport, politics, economics, the environment, culture, lifestyles and, as with media around the world, Australia’s latest movie stars. It goes to show how much importance Indonesians place on their nation’s relationship with Australia.

International co-operation can help us all prevent and alleviate fire damage.

International co-operation can help us all prevent and alleviate fire damage.

As a US citizen working in Indonesia for an organisation set up with considerable Australian assistance, I take an active interest in the stories about Australia that appear in the Indonesian media. Given the capricious nature of the Indonesia-Australian relationship you would expect these stories to focus on the countries’ political relations. But the stories cover the full spectrum of sport, politics, economics, the environment, culture, lifestyles and, as with media around the world, Australia’s latest movie stars. It goes to show how much importance Indonesians place on their nation’s relationship with Australia.

‘Socialistic’ operations hurt forests Canada underprices timber: report. Academic stresses access to resources, sustainability, rather than privatization

‘Socialistic’ operations hurt forests Canada underprices timber: report. Academic stresses access to resources, sustainability, rather than privatization

A report on the world’s forests, presented yesterday during the World Forestry Congress in Quebec City, notes two-thirds of the global supply of industrial wood comes from 15 per cent of forested land that is intensely managed. And its authors, academics affiliated with the United Nations University, say Canada, which ranks third in the world after Russia and Brazil in forested area per capita, is underpricing its timber in forests that are 94-per-cent publicly-owned.
