Past events
The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture 2019
2019 - AYANA Resort and Spa, Bali, Indonesia.
The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture aims to mobilize the global CSA community to deliver the transformation required in the agricultural sector.
Side event at SBSTA-48
2018 - World Conference Center Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
Successful implementation of REDD+ depends on sufficient finance. Speakers in this event will explore REDD+ finance flows from donor to recipient countries, identifying where they do and don’t go, analyzing…
Knowledge Sharing on REDD+ in Indonesia
2017 - Freesia Room, 15 floor, Twin Plaza hotel Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.
In Indonesia, the dissolution of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) and the National Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Agency (BP REDD+), and its subsequent merger into the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, disrupted REDD+ policy processes.
Presentation of the results of the safeguards and benefit sharing distribution study: National experiences
2017 - Hotel El Señorial, Sala Llaqta, Lima, Peru.
CIFOR and the Peruvian NGO DAR will hold a half-day event in Lima, Peru, to present initial findings of the REDD+ Safeguards and Benefit Sharing Distribution Study, which involves forest communities of the San Martin and Junin regions in Peru.
Side event at SBSTA-44
2016 - Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
The Paris Agreement placed forests at the heart of the climate change agenda and prompted national-level action on REDD+. Join the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and partners at…
2014 Global Landscapes Forum
2014 - The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Lima, Peru.
The second Global Landscapes Forum will take place in Lima on 6-7 December 2014. It will be the biggest event on the sidelines of the UNFCCC COP20. Some 1500 participants from all land use sectors and climate negotiators will explore the potential of landscapes approaches for achieving climate goals and sustainable development goals.
20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP20)
2014 - The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Lima, Peru.
20th of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 10th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to Kyoto Protocol will be held in Lima, Peru from 1 to 12 December 2014.
ISEE 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
2014 - Reykjavik, Iceland.
The ISEE 2014 conference’s overall aim is to examine how we achieve wellbeing and equity within planetary boundaries. To achieve this aim the conference will concentrate on three overarching themes…
Forests Asia Summit
2014 - Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) will convene a two-day conference focusing on sustainable forest landscape management for green growth in Southeast Asia. The event seeks to position forests and landscapes at the core of ongoing policy processes in the region related to green growth, sustainable land use, climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security, nutrition and poverty eradication.