Participatory Prospective Analysis in Maluku and Lampung Provinces, Indonesia

A series of multi-stakeholder forums will be conducted by the GCS-Tenure Project in Ambon and Lampung provinces in Indonesia throughout November 2015 until January 2016.

The Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) approach will be used as an entry point to engage all relevant stakeholders to come together and discuss the implementation of forest tenure reforms on project sites in Indonesia – to develop future scenarios in the context of tenure security and to elaborate action points to respond to scenario results.

The PPA approach will be implemented during a series of workshops that invite partners from various backgrounds with knowledge on forest tenure reform implementation. These include government – forestry agency, land agency, agriculture agency, mining agency, watershed management agency (BPDAS), forest management units (KPH), regional development planning agency (BAPPEDA), regional parliament (DPRD) – private companies, community members, universities and local NGOs.

Together they will build a series of scenarios on the future of forest tenure reforms in Maluku and Lampung. The PPA workshop will be conducted three times in Maluku (10-11 Nov, 1-2 Dec, 12-14 Jan 2016) and twice in Lampung (23-26 Nov and 7-11 Dec).

At the end of workshop, we will develop a action plan that can be integrated with the regional planning programs at the provincial or district levels.

Funding Partners
