Three interactive pillars applied in the project include diagnostic research and analysis, multi-stakeholder engagement and knowledge sharing and capacity enhancement.
Research and analysis is a core component of the project and involves mixed method approaches by combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative techniques, as well as qualitative, ethnographic and participatory techniques are employed to uncover patterns within countries and across types of reforms, and to generate in-depth understandings of implementation processes, interactions and outcomes.
An analysis of existing legal documents will be undertaken including policies, laws, regulations, and decrees (rights, protections, responsibilities) together with locally practiced informal values and norms. Tenure reform implementation is examined against statutory rules and customary norms. The study will also look at the process of tenure reform implementation and outcomes for tenure security, livelihoods contribution and resource conditions. Local people’s perception of tenure security, conflicts and grievance mechanisms and conflict resolution strategies are also the part of this diagnostic research and analysis. Key conditions of tenure reform and interaction of actors, institutions and processes will also be examined.
The multi-stakeholder engagement component involves joint problem solving, scenario development, experience sharing, needs assessments and knowledge sharing. A number of tools will be tested for conflict resolution, gender integration and scenario development. The multi-stakeholder engagement will include policy roundtables with parliamentary committees and legislatures responsible for budgets and rule making, as well as south-south exchange programs linking policy makers, practitioners and tenure reform implementers from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The knowledge sharing and capacity building component involves the development and dissemination of materials in relevant languages. Outputs include policy briefs, factsheets and guides, knowledge sharing platforms and international multi-stakeholder events that target global science and development partners.
The capacity enhancement component involves:
- Needs assessments through stakeholder consultations and multi-stakeholder forums;
- Training of policy makers and practitioners on diagnostic skills for pro-active assessment, monitoring and de-escalation of tenure-related conflicts, gender-responsive and equitable implementation of programs, convening and coordination skills and monitoring and evaluation;
- Training manuals on conflict resolution, tenure and gender equity.
The following instruments will be used for data collection:
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Legal Analysis
- Oral Histories
- Bureaucracy Analysis
- Household Surveys
- Key Informant Interview
- Focus Group Discussion
- Participatory Prospective Analysis