This handbook explains how to implement How are we doing?, a tool that enables participatory reflective monitoring in multi-stakeholder forums...
Authors: Jhaveri, N.J.
Publication Year: 2020
This handbook explains how to implement How are we doing?, a tool that enables participatory reflective monitoring in multi-stakeholder forums...
Authors: Jhaveri, N.J.
Publication Year: 2020
Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form an overarching framework to guide development at all scales from...
Authors: Katila, P.; McDermott, C.; Larson, A.M.; Aggarwal, S.; Giessen, L.
Publication Year: 2020
This brief refers to Commitment Five, to: Respect and protect the inherent land and territorial rights of indigenous peoples, as...
Authors: International Land Coalition (ILC); Global Land Programme
Publication Year: 2020
This Working Paper analyzes the gender dimensions of forest tenure and forest tenure reform in Indonesia. Data were derived from...
Authors: Siscawati, M.
Publication Year: 2020
Indigenous and community lands, crucial for rural livelihoods, are typically held under informal customary tenure arrangements. This can leave the...
Authors: Notess, L.; Veit, P.; Monterroso, I.; Andiko; Sulle, E.; Larson, A.M.; Gindroz, A-S.; Quaedvlieg, J.; Williams, A.
Publication Year: 2020
Key messages
A multi-stakeholder consultative process known as Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) proved successful in bringing stakeholders together to discuss forest...Authors: Tibazalika, A.; Mukasa, C.; Wamala, P.; Okiror, G.; Mwangi, E.; Buloa, M.; Ojwang, D.
Publication Year: 2020
Key messages
A multi-stakeholder consultative process known as Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) proved successful at bringing stakeholders together to share information...Authors: Mukasa, C.; Tibazalika, A.; Wamala, P.; Okiror, G.; Ngatia, G.; Maina, P.; Mwangi, E.
Publication Year: 2020
Key messages
A multi-stakeholder consultative process known as Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) proved successful in bringing together stakeholders to find ways...Authors: Mukasa, C.; Tibazalika, A.; Okiror, G.; Wamala, P.; Kagema, F.; Mwangi, E.
Publication Year: 2020
Key messages
Authors: Mshale, B.; Mukasa, C.; Tibazalika, A.; Mwangi, E.; Banana, A.Y.; Wamala, P.; Okiror, G.
Publication Year: 2020
Key messages
This study was carried out in the districts of Kakumiro, Kibaale, Masindi, and Lamwo in Uganda. It focused on...Authors: Nsita, S.A.; Nakangu, B.; Banana, A.Y.; Mshale, B.; Mwangi, E.; Ojwang, D.