Key messages
- Collective land tenure in Colombia covers almost 38 million hectares, including land recognized both as indigenous resguardos and as...
Authors: Herrera Arango, J.
Publication Year: 2018
Key messages
Authors: Herrera Arango, J.
Publication Year: 2018
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Monterroso, I.; Cronkleton, P.
Publication Year: 2018
En Perú, se reconocen de manera formal los derechos de los pueblos indígenas amazónicos a la propiedad colectiva de la...
Authors: Luz Durán, R.; Monterroso, I.; Larson, A.M.
Publication Year: 2018
Authors: Larson, A.M.; Monterroso, I.; Cronkleton, P.
Publication Year: 2018
Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional (CIFOR) memprakarsai proyek GCS-Tenure di Indonesia, Uganda, dan Peru melakukan kegiatan penelitian tentang Peningkatan Kepastian Hak...
Authors: Firdaus, A.Y.
Publication Year: 2018
Collective land tenure in Colombia has been a constitutional right since 1991. It is therefore protected with the highest possible...
Authors: Ortiz-Guerrero, C.; Herrera Arango, J.; Guaqueta Solórzano, V.; Ramos Barón, P.
Publication Year: 2017
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) initiated the GCS-Tenure project in Indonesia, Uganda and Peru conducted the study to...
Authors: Bourgeois, R.; Liswanti, N.; Mukasa, C.; Zamora, A.; Herawati, T.; Monterroso, I.; Mshale, B.; Banjade, M.R.; Mwangi, E.; Larson, A.M.
Publication Year: 2017
Mensajes clave
Authors: Herrera Arango, J.
Publication Year: 2017
Mensajes clave
Authors: Velásquez Ruiz, M.A.