
Global | Indonesia | Peru | Uganda

VIDEO Capacity Strengthening - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 5 of 5)

Capacity Strengthening - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 5 of 5)

Capacity Strengthening Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice? (Part 5 of 5) This video – the fifth in a five-part series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda – explores the second major outcome from the Prospective Participatory Analysis (PPA) that examined reform implementation in the country as part the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform. This outcome, according to Esther Mwangi, principal scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), is the limited capacity of government officials to implement reform to secure tenure for local communities. Mwangi and PPA stakeholders offer insights on how to build capacity for implementation reform, and examples of instances where government support has been successful.
VIDEO An interview with Bob Kazungu, Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment

An interview with Bob Kazungu, Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment

An interview with Bob Kazungu, Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice? In this interview, Bob Kazungu, senior forest officer in the Forestry Sector Support Department of the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment, provides insights into some practical tools used to build forest reform research in his country, particularly for forest-dependent communities. Particularly effective, he says, is the Prospective Participatory Analysis (PPA) that was undertaken as part of the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform, led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and facilitated by Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment. This video is part of a series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda.
VIDEO Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda? What lessons for policy and practice? (Part 1 of 5)

Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda? What lessons for policy and practice? (Part 1 of 5)

This video – the first in a five-part series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda – introduces us to the issue and offers lessons for policy and practice that emerged from the Prospective Participatory Analysis (PPA) undertaken in the country as part of the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform. PPA stakeholders in Uganda and project leader, Esther Mwangi, principal scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), offer insights on constraints and enabling factors for implementing reform, how reform is progressing, and how tenure reform is affecting communities and forest users.
VIDEO Simplifying Registration - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 2 of 5)

Simplifying Registration - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 2 of 5)

Simplifying Registration Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice? (Part 2 of 5) This video – the second in a five-part series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda – zeroes in one of the key findings of the Prospective Participatory Analysis (PPA) that examined the issue as part of the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform, namely the urgent and obvious need to simplify the registration process for collective and individual land rights, a major impediment to tenure reform. PPA stakeholders in Uganda and project leader, Esther Mwangi, principal scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), explain what makes the forest land registration process so onerous, time-consuming and inaccessible, and how it could be improved.
VIDEO A Government Priority - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 3 of 5)

A Government Priority - Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda (Part 3 of 5)

A Government Priority Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice? (Part 3 of 5) This video – the third in a five-part series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda – focuses on a major outcome of the Prospective Participatory Analysis (PPA) that examined the issue as part of the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform, namely the need for the national government to prioritize tenure reform and its implementation. PPA stakeholders and project leader, Esther Mwangi, principal scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), offer insights into what measures the government can take to prioritize the tenure reform process to help it progress and succeed.
VIDEO An interview with Rachel Musoke, Uganda Forestry Association

An interview with Rachel Musoke, Uganda Forestry Association

An interview with Rachel Musoke, Uganda Forestry Association Forest tenure reform implementation in Uganda: What lessons for policy and practice? In this interview, Rachel Musoke, of the advisory committee and acting Vice President of the Uganda Forestry Association, addresses the problematic link between forest degradation and land clearing for agriculture in her country. She says this is partly because communities are not aware of the ecological services and the value of standing forests, particularly in mitigating the effects of climate change, and she calls on government and NGOs to help disseminate this information to a far wider audience. This video is part of a series on the implementation of forest tenure reform in Uganda, which emerged from the Global Comparative Study on Land Tenure Reform, led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
VIDEO Securing customary rights to forests in Maluku Province, Indonesia

Securing customary rights to forests in Maluku Province, Indonesia

Secure tenure rights are crucial for forest conservation. Since 2007 the government of Indonesia has allocated 14 million hectares of forests to community management through various schemes. However, such formal schemes do not offer full ownership rights to the forest, as do customary systems, such as that in Malaku province. As a result, forest reforms launched in 2009 have not taken hold there. Research undertaken as part of the Global Comparative Study (GCS) on Land Tenure Reform, led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), examined ways that tenure reform might combine the formal and customary system in Malaku to provide communities with secure forest tenure, to benefit them and the forests.
VIDEO ¿De quién son las tierras forestales en Perú?

¿De quién son las tierras forestales en Perú?

Investigadoras brindan recomendaciones derivadas de un estudio de 4 años, para abordar desafíos y vacíos legales y sociales identificados en los procesos de titulación de tierras forestales en la Amazonía peruana. Este video es parte del Estudio Global Comparativo sobre Reformas de Tenencia de Tierras Forestales de CIFOR (GCS-Tenure) que contó con el soporte técnico de la FAO y el financiamiento de GEF.
VIDEO ¿Por qué Perú debe avanzar en garantizar los derechos a la tierra de sus comunidades indígenas?

¿Por qué Perú debe avanzar en garantizar los derechos a la tierra de sus comunidades indígenas?

Para las comunidades indígenas que habitan los bosques amazónicos del Perú, obtener el reconocimiento legal que garantiza sus derechos colectivos la tierra puede tomar muchos años y a veces incluso enfrentar importantes desafíos después de conseguirlo. El Estudio Global Comparativo sobre Reformas de Tenencia en Tierras Forestales de CIFOR ha identificado algunos puntos críticos que pueden atenderse para que el país avance en esta tarea, en el marco de sus compromisos internacionales asumidos y por el bienestar de sus comunidades y sus bosques.
VIDEO Tenure Talks Peru - Bob Kazungu

Tenure Talks Peru - Bob Kazungu

As part as the Global Comparative Study on Forest Tenure Reforms by CIFOR, key actors from the countries taken part at the study were interviewed. Mr. Bob Kazungu, Senior Forest Officer at the Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda, compares tenure reforms challenges of Peru and Uganda in this video.

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