Building on the momentum of the Paris Agreement, the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Partnership promotes global action and provides a platform to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Paris Agreement highlights the important contribution sustainable forest and landscape management will make in achieving global emissions reduction and adaptation goals. Alongside the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement reinforces the value of regional multi-sector partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society in reducing emissions.
The Asia-Pacific Rainforest Partnership leverages these existing commitments to deliver practical forest protection. Specifically, the partnership provides a platform for collaboration in the region to:
- Restore degraded landscapes and protect high-conservation-value forests.
- Formulate national policies that reduce rainforest loss and support sustainable economic development.
- Increase the knowledge, understanding and conservation of the region’s biodiversity, threatened species and watersheds.
- Enhance collaboration with international partners to strengthen forest governance and combat illegal logging.
- Build national systems to measure and monitor forest resources to facilitate future participation in REDD+ (countries’ efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation).
For more information, please visit the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Partnership website.