The 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit focused on crucial areas for action on sustainably managing forests and landscapes, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and promoting economic development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Discussions at the event were based around the four main themes:
Interest is growing globally in the opportunities for innovative financial investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation, including investments in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
The private sector has an important role to play in conserving the rainforests of the Asia-Pacific region, including via business practices and in opportunities for partnerships between companies, communities and governments.
Measurement, reporting and verification systems are necessary for credible and cost-effective monitoring of forests and landscapes, and implementation of REDD+. Knowledge-sharing in this area can help lift performance and capacity-development across the Asia-Pacific region.
Strong forest governance and policy is the cornerstone of sustainable management of forests and landscapes for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and regional development.
Balancing the value of biodiversity with the needs of a developing economy is a huge challenge. Green economies show how forests can retain natural capital while supporting industries and livelihoods.