Book Chapters

The following PEN-related publications are authored by PEN partners or PEN resource people, and use PEN methods and/or data, or were at least partly funded by PEN


Book chapter or section

Gong, Y., Hegde, R. and Bull, G. Q. 2014. Payment for Ecosystem Services: Lessons from Developing Countries. In Kant S. and J. Alavalapati eds. Handbook of Forest Resource Economics. Earthscan, New York.

Abua, S., Spencer, R. and Spencer, D. 2013. Design and Outcomes of Community Forest Conservation Initiatives in Cross River State of Nigeria: A Foundation for REDD+? Chapter in Conservation Biology: Voices from the Tropics, First Edition. Navjot S. Sodhi, Luke Gibson, and Peter H. Raven. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Pokheral, R.K., Rayamajhi, S.R., and Tiwari, K.R. 2012. Nepal’s Community Forestry: Need of Better Governance: Chapter 3 in ‘Global Perspectives on Sustainable Forest Management’. (Eds) Akais, O.C. Published by InTechJanezaTrdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
ISBN 978-953-51-0569-5 Chapter 3. pp 43-57.

Chhetri, B.B.K. 2011. How do households cope with income shocks? Evidence from rural Nepal. In: Natural Resources Management: Reviews and Research in the Himalayan Watersheds II, a special publication of NUFU HIMUNET Project, Vol II,  Balla, M.K. and Singh A. (eds), p. 50-62, Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal.

Hogarth, N.J. 2011. Fungi, livelihoods and micro-economics: the PEN methodology. Box 9.2, pp 182-183 In: Cunningham, A.B. and Yang, X. (eds.) Mushrooms in forests and woodlands: resource management, values and local livelihoods. Earthscan.

Jagger, P. 2010.Forest sector reform, livelihoods and sustainability in western Uganda.Chapter 5 in: German, L., Karsenty, A. and Tiani, A. M. (eds); Governing Africa’s forests in a globalized world. Earthscan Publications Ltd., Washington DC and Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Pp. 103-125.
ISBN: 978-1-84407-756-4

Ndiaye, M.T.Y. 2010. Book chapter: ‘The role of social norms on community management of natural resources in African rural societies: Sambande Forest, Senegalese Case study’. (Published in Portugese: Papel das normas sociais na gestao de bens coletivos em sociedades rurais africanas: o caso da floresta de Sambande no Senegal). In: Olhares sobre o Mundo Negro – Editora Progressiva/Mec -Curitiba, 2010.
ISBN: 978-85-60124-18-3

Hegde, R. and Bull G.Q. 2008. Economic shocks and Miombo woodland resource use: a household level study in Mozambique. In: Dewees, ed. Managing the Miombo woodlands of Southern Africa; Policies, incentives and options for the rural poor. Technical Annex 4. World Bank Sustainable Development Department Environment and Natural Resources Management Unit, Africa Region. Washington, D.C. Pp 80 – 105.

Rahman, S.A., de Groot, W. and Snelder, D.J. 2008. Chapter 11. Exploring the Agroforestry Adoption Gap: Financial and Socioeconomics of Litchi-Based Agroforestry by Smallholders in Rajshahi (Bangladesh). In: Snelder, D. J. and Lasco, R.D. (eds.): Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services: Lessons from Asia. Advances in Agroforestry, Vol. 5. Springer, Netherlands. Pp. 227-244. 

Funding Partners
