
PENews 2/2011Preliminary PEN global results presented at The Royal Society in LondonGlobal data and analyses update
PENews 1/2011One book, two events, many thieves
PENews 3/2010Setting the stage for our events in London
PENews 2/2010PEN has Seoul!
PENews 1/2010More and more PEN doctors!
PENews 3/2009PEN side event at World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires
PENews 2/2009Introducing RAVA: The Amazon Livelihood and Environment Network
PENews 1/2009Putting PEN to Paper
PENews 3/2008PEN in Phnom PENh
PENews 2/2008PEN to the world
PENews 1/2008The answer may be 23, or perhaps 44
PENews 4/2007Making sense out of 294 150 questionnaire pages
PENews 3/2007Two new successful PEN funding applications
PENews 1/2007CONTENT: Updates PEN funding secured Forest and the millennium development goals The experience of 3 PEN studies in 3 countries in South America. (For example: how should the income of...
PENews 4/2006CONTENT: Taking stock and looking ahead Good Reading 1: At Loggerheads T LOGGERHEADS? Good Reading 2: The changing Perpective Of Fuelwood PEN PROJECT 1: Miriam Wyman (Uni. Florida): Conservation Initiatives,...
PENews 3/2006CONTENT: 50-60 PEN household interviewed today updated Web-pages – and more to come staying in touch – by email how useful is the livelihoods approach? and two reports from PEN...
PENews 2/2006CONTENT: The database is ready the last batch of PENNERS on board tattoos can be changed & new questions welcomed money-money-money “what is your question?” how to really measure impacts...
PENews 1/2006Welcome to the first 2006 issue of the newsletter of the Poverty Environment Network (PEN)!
PENews 2/2005CONTENT: PEN takes off guidelines available dramatic differences with shorter recall periods Good Reading: do you POLEX? Ririn tells her secret story from Kalimantan. 1. PEN FIELDWORK TAKES OFF Since...
PENews 1/2005Welcome to the first PENEWS. We want to make this a regular mailing (about once a month) to keep everyone involved (or interested) in CIFOR’s Poverty Environment Network up-to-date and...

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