Journal Articles

The following PEN-related publications are authored by PEN partners or PEN resource people, and use PEN methods and/or data, or were at least partly funded by PEN

World Development Special Issue papers
Angelsen A., Jagger P., Babigumira R., Belcher B., Hogarth N.J., Bauch S., Börner J., Smith-Hall C., Wunder S. 2014. Environmental Income and Rural Livelihoods: A Global-Comparative Analysis. World Development 64(1): S12–S28. December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.006
Sunderland T.C.H., Achdiawan R., Angelsen A., Babigumira R., Ickowitz A., Paumgarten F., Reyes-García V., Shively G. 2014. Challenging perceptions about men, women, and forest product use: a global comparative study. World Development 64(1): S56–S66. December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.003
Wunder S., Börner J., Shively G., Wyman M. 2014. Safety Nets, Gap Filling and Forests: A Global-Comparative Perspective. World Development 64(1): S29–S42. December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.005
Babigumira R., Angelsen A., Buis M., Bauch S., Sunderland T., Wunder S. 2014. Forest Clearing in Rural Livelihoods: Household-Level Global-Comparative Evidence. World Development 64(1): S67–S79. December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.002
Jagger P., Luckert M.K., Duchelle A.E., Lund J.F., Sunderlin W.D. 2014. Tenure and Forest Income: Observations from a Global Study on Forests and Poverty. World Development 64(1): S43–S55. December 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.004
Wunder, S., Angelsen, A., & Belcher, B. 2014. Forests, livelihoods, and conservation: Broadening the empirical base. World Development 64(Supplement 1): S1–S11. December 2014.10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.007

Rahman S.A., Jacobsen J. B., Healey J. R., Roshetko J. M., Sunderland T. 2017. ‘Finding Alternatives to Swidden Agriculture: Does Agroforestry Improve Livelihood Options and Reduce Pressure on Existing Forest?’Agroforestry Systems, 91:185-199.
DOI: 10.1007/s10457-016-9912-4. 

Walelign, S.Z., Pouliot, M., Larsen, H.O. and Smith-Hall, C. 2017. Combining household income and asset data to identify livelihood strategies and their dynamics. The Journal of Development Studies.
DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2016.1199856

Rahman S.A., Sunderland T., Kshatriya M., Roshetko J.M., Pagella T., Healey J.R., 2016. Towards Productive Landscapes: Trade-offs in Tree-cover and Income across a Matrix of Smallholder Agricultural Landuse Systems. Land Use Policy, 58 (2016): 152–164.
DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.07.003.

Rahman S.A., Sunderland T., Roshetko J. M., Basuki I., Healey J. R., 2016. Tree Culture of Smallholder Farmers Practicing Agroforestry in Gunung Salak Valley, West Java, Indonesia. Small-scale Forestry, 15(4): 433-442.
DOI 10.1007/s11842-016-9331-4.

Hickey, G.M., Pouliot, M., Smith-Hall, C., Wunder, S. and Nielsen M.R. 2016. Quantifying the economic contribution of wild food harvests to rural livelihoods: A global-comparative analysis. Food Policy, Volume 62, Pages 122-132.

Bakkegaard, R.K., Hogarth, N.J., Bong, I.W., Bosselmann, A.S., and Wunder, S. (in press). Measuring forest and wild product contributions to household welfare: Testing a scalable household survey instrument in Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics.
DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2016.10.005

Hermans-Neumann, K., Gerstner, K., Geijzendorffer, I. Herold, M., Seppelt, R., & Wunder, S. 2016. Why do forest products become less available? A pan-tropical comparison of drivers of forest-resource degradation. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (2016) 125010.
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/12/125010

Bakkegaard, R., Nielsen, M.R. and Thorsen, B.J. 2016. Household determinants of bushmeat and eru (Gnetum africanum) harvesting for cash in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Environ. Dev. Sustain.
DOI: 10.1007/s10668-016-9812-9.

Widianingsih, N.N., Theilade, I., and Pouliot, M. 2016. Contribution of Forest Restoration to Rural Livelihoods and Household Income in Indonesia.Sustainability 2016, 8(9), 835.
DOI: 10.3390/su8090835

Walelign, S.Z., Charlery, L., Smith-Hall, C., Chhetri, B.B.K. and Larsen, H.O. 2016. Environmental income improves household-level poverty assessments and dynamics. Forest Policy and Economics 71: 23-35.

Charlery, L., Nielsen, M.R., Meilby, H. and Smith-Hall, C. 2016. Effects of new roads on environmental resource use in the Central Himalaya. Sustainability 8: 363 (20pp).

Charlery, L.C., Qaim, M. and Smith-Hall, C. 2016. Impact of infrastructure on rural household income and inequality in Nepal. Journal of Development Effectiveness 8(2): 266-286.

Misbahuzzaman K. 2016. Traditional farming in the mountainous region of Bangladesh and its modifications. Journal of Mountain Science 13(8).
DOI: 10.1007/s11629-015-3541-7

Rahman, S.A., Foli, S., Pavel, M.A.A., Mamun, M.A.A., Sunderland, T. 2015. ‘Forest, Trees and Agroforestry: Better Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services from Multifunctional Landscapes’. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 4(4):479-491. 

Misbahuzzaman, K., & Smith-Hall, C. 2015. Role of Forest Income in Rural Household Livelihoods: The Case of Village Common Forest Communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.Small-scale Forestry 14(3): 315-330.
DOI: 10.1007/s11842-015-9290-1

Jiao, X., Smith-Hall, C. and Theilade, I. 2015. Rural household incomes and land grabbing in Cambodia. Land Use Policy 48: 317-328.

Chhetri, B.B.K., Larsen, H.O. and Smith-Hall, C. 2015. Environmental resources reduce income inequality and the prevalence, depth and severity of poverty in rural Nepal.Environment, Development and Sustainability 17(3): 513-530.

Hansen, C.P., Pouliot, M., Marfo, E., Obiri, B.D. 2015. Forests, timber and Rural Livelihoods: Implications for social safeguards in the Ghana-EU Voluntary Partnership Agreement.Small-scale Forestry, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 401-422.

Thorsen, R.S. and Pouliot, M. 2015. Traditional medicine for the rich and knowledgeable: challenging assumptions about treatment-seeking behavior in rural and peri-urban Nepal. Health Policy and Planning, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 314-324.

Reyes-García, V., Babigumira, R., Pyhälä, A., Wunder, S., Zorondo-Rodriguez, and Angelsen, A. 2015. Subjective Wellbeing and Income: Empirical Patterns in the Rural Developing World. Journal of Happiness Studies.
DOI: 10.1007/s10902-014-9608-2 

Börner, J., Shively, G., Wunder, S., and Wyman, M. 2015. How Do Rural Households Cope with Economic Shocks? Insights from Global Data using Hierarchical Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2015, 392–414.
DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12097

Dokken, T., & Angelsen, A. 2015. Forest reliance across poverty groups in Tanzania. Ecological Economics 117: 203-211.

Meilby, H., Smith-Hall, C., Byg, A., Larsen, H.O., Nielsen, Ø.J., Puri, L. and Rayamajhi, S. 2014. Are forest incomes sustainable? Firewood and timber extraction and forest productivity in community managed forests in Nepal.World Development 64: S113-S124.

Jagger, P. 2014. Confusion vs. clarity: Property rights and forest use in Uganda. Forest Policy and Economics 45 2014 32–41. DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2014.04.004

Duchelle, A.E., Kainer, K.A., & Wadt, L.H.O. 2014. Is certification associated with better forest management and socioeconomic benefits? A comparative analysis of three certification schemes applied to Brazil nuts in Western Amazonia.Society and Natural Resources 27(2), 121-139.

Duchelle, A.E., Zambrano, A.M.A., Wunder, S., Borner, J., Kainer, K.A. 2014. Smallholder Specialization Strategies along the Forest Transition Curve in Southwestern Amazonia. World Development.

Rahman S.A., Rahman, M.F., Sunderland, T. 2014. Increasing Tree Cover in
Degrading Landscapes: ‘Integration’ and ‘Intensification’ of Smallholder Forest Culture in the Alutilla Valley, Matiranga, Bangladesh
. Small-scale Forestry, DOI: 10.1007/s11842-013-9251-5.

Hogarth, N.J. 2013. The link between smallholder management of bamboo shoots, income and livelihoods: A case study in southern China. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods.

Nielsen, Ø.J., Rayamajhi, S., Uberhuaga, P., Meilby, H. and Smith-Hall, C. 2013. Quantifying rural livelihood strategies in developing countries using an activity choice approach. Agricultural Economics 44, 57-71.

Prado Córdova, J., Wunder, S., Smith-Hall, C. and Börner, J. 2013. Rural Income and Forest Reliance in Highland Guatemala. Environmental Management, 1-10.

Hogarth, N.J. and Belcher, B. 2013. The contribution of bamboo to household income and rural livelihoods in a poor and mountainous county in Guangxi, China. Forestry Review 15(1).

Hogarth, N.J., Belcher, B., Campbell, B. and Stacey, N. 2013. The role of forest-related income in household economies and rural livelihoods in the border region of southern China.World Development, 43: 111-123.

Pouliot, M. and Elias, M. 2013. To process or not to process? Factors enabling and constraining shea butter production and income in Burkina Faso.Geoforum, Volume 50, Pages 211-220.

Rayamajhi, S., Smith-Hall, C. and Helles, F. 2012. Empirical evidence of the economic importance of Central Himalayan forests to rural households.Forest Policy and Economics 20, 25-35.

Jagger, P., Luckert, M.K., Banana, A., and Bahati, J. 2012. Asking Questions to Understand Rural Livelihoods: Comparing Disaggregated vs. Aggregated Approaches to Household Livelihood Questionnaires.World Development 40(9):1810-1823.
DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.04.030

Pouliot, M., and Treue, T. 2012. Rural people’s reliance on forests and the non-forest environment in West Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Burkina Faso. World Development 43:180-193.

Pouliot, M. 2012. Contribution of “women’s gold” to West African livelihoods: The case of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) in Burkina Faso. Economic Botany 66(3): 237-248.
DOI: 10.1007/s12231-012-9203-6

Pouliot, M., Treue, T., Obiri-Darko, B., and Ouedraogo, B. 2012. Deforestation and the limited contribution of forests to rural livelihoods in West Africa: Evidence from Burkina Faso and Ghana.Ambio. November 2012, Volume 41, Issue 7, pp 738-750.
DOI: 10.1007/s13280-012-0292-3.

Tieguhong J.C. and Nkamgnia E.M. 2012. Household dependence on forests around Lobeke National Park, Cameroon. International Forestry Review Vol.14(2).
ISSN: 1465-5489

Nielsen, R.M., Pouliot, M. and Bakkegaard, R.K. 2012. Combining income and assets measures to include the transitory nature of poverty in assessments of forest dependence: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo.Ecological Economics, Volume 78, June 2012, Pages 37-46.

Chhetri B. B. K., Lund J. F., and Nielsen Ø. J. 2012. The Public Finance Potential of Community Forestry in Nepal. Ecological Economics 73, 113-121

Chhetri, B.B.K., Larsen, H.O. and Smith-Hall, C. 2012. Law enforcement in community forestry: what consequences for the poor? Small-scale Forestry 11(4): 435-452.

Kar, S.P. and Jacobson, M.G. 2012. NTFP income contribution to household economy and related socio-economic factors: Lessons from Bangladesh. Forest Policy and Economics Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 136–142.
DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2011.08.003
ISSN: 1389-9341

Kar, S.P. and Jacobson, M.G. 2012. Market constraints in NTFP trade: Household perspectives in Bangladesh.International Forestry Review Vol.14(1): 50-61.
DOI: 10.1505/146554812799973136
ISSN: 1465-5489

Uberhuaga, P., Smith-Hall, C. and Helles, F. 2012. Forest income and dependency in lowland Bolivia. Environment, Development and Sustainability 14(1): 3-23.

Tieguhong J.C. 2011. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 5(6): 2464-2480. December 2011.
ISSN 1991-8631

Pouliot, M. 2011. Relying on nature’s pharmacy in rural Burkina Faso: Empirical evidence of the determinants of traditional medicine consumption.Social Science and Medicine, Volume 73, Issue 10, Pages 1498-1507. 28-09-2011
ISSN: 0277-9536

Hegde, R., and Bull, G.Q. 2011. Performance of an Agro-forestry based Payments-for-Ecosystem Services project in Mozambique: A household level analysis. Ecological Economics. Volume 71, Pages 122–130
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.08.014

Tesfaye, Y., Roos, A., Campbell, B.M., Bohlin F. 2011. Livelihood strategies and the role of forest income in participatory-managed forests of Dodola area in the bale highlands, southern Ethiopia. Forest Policy and Economics 13 (4):258-265. Elsevier B.V.
DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2011.01.002

Rahman, S.A., Rahman, F. & Sunderland, T. 2011. Causes and consequences of shifting cultivation and its alternative in the hill tracts of eastern Bangladesh. Agroforestry Systems 83(1), Springer.
DOI: 10.1007/s10457-011-9422-3

Kibria, M. G., Rahman, S. A., Imtiaj, A. and Sunderland, T. 2011. Extent and Consequences of Tropical Forest Degradation: Successive Policy Options for Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 1, 29-37, USA.
ISSN: 1939-1250

Khan, S. R., Rahman, S. A. and Sunderland, T. 2011. Commons Becoming Non-commons in the Efforts for Reconciliation between Conservation and Livelihoods: A Case Study of Northern Pakistan. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 3(3):63-71.
ISSN: 2006-9782

Sunderland, T., Kibria, M.G., Rahman, S. A. and Imtiaj, A. 2011. ‘Depleting Tropical Forest at a Landscape Scale: Finding Solutions for Bangladesh’. Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences 1(1):53-64.

ISSN: 2008-9287

Uberhuaga, P., Larson, H.O., Treue, T. 2011. Indigenous forest management in Bolivia: potentials for livelihood improvement. International Forestry Review 13(1):80-95
DOI: 10.1505/ifor.13.1.80
ISSN: 1465-5489

Duchelle, A. E., Cronkleton, P., Kainer, K.A., Guanacoma, G., Gezan, S. 2011. Resource Theft in Tropical Forest Communities: Implications for Non-Timber Management, Livelihoods, and Conservation. Ecology and Society 16(1): 4.
ISSN: 17083087

Rahman, S.A., Farhana, K.M., Imtiaj, A., Wachira, S.W., Rahman, M.A., and Saha, S., 2010. Sustainable Forest Management for Poverty Reduction through Agroforestry Options: Lesson from the Remote Uplands of Eastern Bangladesh.  Academic Journal of Plant Sciences, 3 (1): 11-18.
ISSN: 1995-8986

Wyman, M.S. & Stein, T.V. 2010. Modelling social and land-use/land-cover change data to assess drivers of smallholder deforestation in Belize. Applied Geography 30; 329–342.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2009.10.001
ISSN: 01436228

Tesfaye, Y., Roos, A., Campbell, B.M., Bohlin F. 2010. Forest incomes and poverty alleviation in a participatory forest management arrangement in the Bale Highlands, Southern Ethiopia.International Forestry Review 12(1):66-77.
DOI: 10.1505/ifor.12.1.66
ISSN: 1465-5489

Christensen, M., Rayamajhi, S. and Meilby, H. 2009. Balancing fuelwood and biodiversity concerns in rural Nepal. Ecological Modelling 220, 522–532.

Tieguhong J. C. and Zwolinski J. 2009. Supplies of bushmeat for livelihoods in logging towns in the Congo Basin. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry Vol. 1 (5): 065–080. 

Duchelle, A.E. Biedenweg, K. Lucas, C. Virapongse, A. Radachowsky, J. Wojcik, D.J. Londres, M. Bartels, W.L. Alvira, D. Kainer, K.A. 2009. Graduate students and knowledge exchange with local stakeholders: possibilities and preparation. Biotropica 41 (5). 578-585.

Imtiaj, A., and Rahman, S.A., 2008. SHORT NOTE: Eco nomic Viability of Mushrooms Cultivation to Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 8(1): 93-99.
ISSN: 1870-0462

Rayamajhi, S. and Olsen, C. S. 2008. Estimating forest product values in Central Himalaya -methodological experiences. Scandinavian Forest Economics 42, 468-488.

Lund, J.F. and Treue, T. 2008. Are We Getting There? Evidence of Decentralized Forest Management from the Tanzanian Miombo Woodlands. World Development 36(12):2780-2800.

Anthon, S., Lund, J.F. and Helles, F. 2008. Targeting the Poor – Taxation of Marketed Forest Products in Developing Countries. Journal of Forest Economics 14:197-224.

Rowland, D, A Ickowitz, B Powell, R Nasi, T Sunderland. Contributions of forest foods to meeting recommendations for dietary intakes: A multi-country case study analysis. Environmental Conservation (accepted).

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