Magazine, newsletter & bulletin articles

The following PEN-related publications are authored by PEN partners or PEN resource people, and use PEN methods and/or data, or were at least partly funded by PEN

Smith-Hall, C., Larsen, H.O. and Pouliot, M. (2015). Jordskælv, skov og folk. Skoven. (Danish magazine)

Cotta, J.N., Porro, R. (2009). The açaí palm: non-timber forest product and agroforestry tree product.  Article in: Amazon Agroforestry Newsletter Vol 1:1. World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), Belém, Brazil. PAGE 14 

Smith-Hall, C., Pouliot, M., and Helles F. (2011). Skov og Fattigdom i troperne. Skoven. (Danish magazine)

Koy, R. (2011). Forests and Their Contribution to Local Livelihoods. Cambodia Development Review, Vol 15, Issue 1 (January – March 2011). CDRI, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Hasibuan, R. (2010). PEN at the 23rd IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Republic of Korea. CIFOR Today, Tuesday, 7 September 2010.

Pouliot, M. (2009). Contribution des ressources naturelles à la reduction de la pauvreté chez les populations riveraines du PNKT: un parc situé dans la province du Zoundweogo, au Burkina Faso. Bulletin de la Stratégie PEN 001-002: June-September 2009.

Smith-Hall, C. and Rayamajhi, R. (2015). Money on trees. The Kathmandu Post 5 May, p. 6.

Byg, A., Helles, F., Larsen, H.O., Meilby, H., Nielsen, Ø.J. and Smith-Hall, C. (2012). Kan skove give fattige familier en bæredygtig indkomst – i Nepal? [Can forests provide a sustainable income for poor families – in Nepal?]. Skoven 44: 524-527. 

Smith-Hall, C., Pouliot, M., and Helles, F. (2011). Skov og Fattigdom i troperne. Skoven. (Danish magazine)

Story based on PEN Partner Hogarth, N.J. (2008). NT boffin leads way to stop poverty.  Published in the Northern Territory News, Australia.  November 14th 2008.

McDougall, R. (2008) Bamboo in China. Bamboo Bulletin 10 (2):16-18. Bamboo Society of Australia Incorporated. ISSN 1832-1844 (Print version) ISSN 1832-1852 (Online version) (Reproduced from CDU Origins Magazine article). Story based on PEN Partner Hogarth, N.J.

McDougall, R. (2008) Bringing on the bamboo boom. Origins magazine Edition 1, Pp 16-17. Published May 2008 by Charles Darwin University’s Corporate Communications.  Story based on PEN Partner Hogarth, N.J.

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