weADAPT Case Studies

Study of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh

Study of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh

The coastline of Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to the sea level rise. The tropical cyclones, which strike the coastal areas periodically, create misery and loss of life, property and damage

Impact of sea-level rise on the city of Banjul

Impact of sea-level rise on the city of Banjul

Impact of 1m sea-level rise on Banjul Banjul is located on a low-lying spit composed entirely of erodable sediments, and is already experiencing problems due to coastal erosion. Studies show

Adapting to Himalayan Glacial retreat in Nepal

Adapting to Himalayan Glacial retreat in Nepal

Introduction Glacier retreat has been a major indicator of climate change impacts in the Himalayas. This project aims to support biodiversity conservation and livelihoods of people affected by glacier retreat.
