1. Regional and national context
1.1. Initiate science–policy dialogue.
1.2. Identify policy opportunities.
1.3. Analyse and map regional vulnerability drivers with national and regional stakeholders (adaptation).
1.4. Analyse and map REDD+ opportunities with national and regional stakeholders (mitigation).
2. Adaptation at site level
2.1. Analyse vulnerability to climate change together with local communities and explore ways to increase adaptive capacity.
2.2. Facilitate the definition and implementation of local adaptation strategies.
3. Mitigation at site level
3.1. Analyze livelihoods, land use and local institutions.
3.2. Analyze the potential impact of REDD+ on livelihoods, the related opportunities, and the necessary institutional changes, together with local communities.
4. Synergies at site level
4.1. Analyze common opportunities and risks related to adaptation and mitigation.
5. Regional and national strategies
5.1. Inform national and regional policies with lessons learned from the field.
5.2. Develop strategies for the integration of adaptation and mitigation into regional and national forest policies.
5.3. Evaluate the role of the international community in supporting national and regional strategies.
6. Communication and training
6.1. Develop a strategy for knowledge sharing.
6.2. Create a learning community on REDD+ and adaptation.
6.3. Support the political process through the media.