PEN UK conference media summary

The press release was translated into French, Spanish and Indonesian, and is available on the CIFOR website at:

The following articles were published based on the press release or from journalists who attended the conference; listed in chronological order:

  • Scientific American, 16 June 2011
    Richer Households More Likely to Contribute to Deforestation
  • Forest Carbon Portal, 16 June 2011
    New global study shows high reliance on forests among rural poor
  •, 16 June 2011
    Poverty doesn’t drive deforestation, argues new survey
  • (Spanish website), 17 June 2011
    Global study demonstrates that poor rural populations depends highly on forests (Estudio global demuestra que poblaciones rurales pobres dependen en gran medida de los bosques)
  • BioSoc: the Biodiversity and Society Bulletin – Research highlights on biodiversity and society, poverty and conservation, 1 July 2011
    (E-newsletter sent to subscribers)
    Counting on the Environment: The Contribution of Forests to Rural Livelihoods. Written by Alessandra Giuliani ( )

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