Mangroves Provide Measurable Risk Reduction Benefit to Coastal Communities from Storm Waves and Flooding A new guidebook on mangroves as a coastal defence finds that mangroves can reduce risk from…
The Role of Mangroves in Fisheries Enhancement
Some 210 million people live in low elevation areas within 10 km of mangroves and many of these directly benefit from mangrove-associated fisheries. Yet, these people are often unaware of…
Downstream Voices: Wetland Solutions to Reducing Disaster Risk.
Introduction Until recently, the world’s response to inevitable climate change was based on producing ever more precise forecasts of what would happen locally – running ever more sophisticated climate models…
Livestock systems, vulnerability and climate change – Insights from the grass roots
Foreword Climate change is already happening and its effects, particularly on rural communities in India, are adverse. There is a need to highlight key issues and understand the practical challenges…
Current vulnerability in the Virunga landscape, Rwanda
Introducing more trees into the farmed landscape would assist the landscape in coping with climate change. Credit: Charlotte Pavageau Project summary A regional baseline assessment to analyse vulnerability was conducted in…
Farmer-led innovation in combating drought and desertification
The United Nations has designated 17 June as the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (WDCD) to raise awareness about the threats and consequences of desertification and drought. The goal of…
The importance of working at the science-society interface for adaptation to climate change in local territories of Latin America: case studies of Bolivia, Chile and Argentina
This presentation which is part of the EcoADAPT project, emphasises the importance of working at the science-society interface for adaptation to climate change, especially in relation to water resources management and governance.…
Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine, terrestrial and coastal regions
Conservation International is implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation approaches in marine, terrestrial and coastal regions in Brazil, Philippines and South Africa, where we have strong track records, partners and relationships with government. EbA…
Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder subsistence and coffee farming communities in Central America
Conservation International and CATIE are identifying and testing Ecosystem-based Adaptation strategies that can help farmers cope with climate change, and building local capacity to support the implementation of these strategies in…
Proceedings of the International Network on Climate Change (INCA) 2012
The International Network on Climate Change – INCA – is a project of Bolivian, Peruvian and German partners on adaptation and mitigation strategies of Andean people. The proceedings of the…