This article will introduce the MICCA pilot project in Kenya in the East Africa Dairy Development Project (EADD) in Kaptumo, where smallholder dairy farmers are integrating climate-smart practices into their…
Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (EPWS) in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
Bean being grown on fanya juu terraces in Lanzi Project Context The project site is located in the Uluguru Mountains (UM).These mountains have Watershed and Forest Reserves that are globally…
The Congo Basin Forests: a solution for both adaptation and mitigation
The second largest tropical forest in the world, the Congo Basin has received global attention for its huge potential to slow the pace of climate change. It is estimated to…
WD-NACE End of Project Workshop
On the 27th of September a global group of representatives of research and funding organisations alike gathered in London’s Wellcome center to evaluate and debrief the Whole Decision Network Analysis…
The Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) project in the South Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
Climate-smart practices with adaptation and mitigation potential in smallholder farmer systems MICCA Overview The Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Pilot Project is implemented in the South Uluguru Mountains…
Local hopes and worries about REDD+ projects
A family collects Brazil nuts from their forest. Kristen Evans/CIFOR Local forest communities in the REDD+ project sites of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study understand the scheme to be fundamentally about…
Gestión integral del territorio como base para la adaptación al cambio climático en los Bosques Modelo
Si la ciencia no aporta de manera realista a la práctica de la adaptación, la construcción de soluciones será frágil y vulnerable Introducción Uno de los desafíos más importantes frente…
Knowledge Partners
weADAPT undertakes collaborations and projects with a number of Knowledge Partners, all designed to enrich and improve the utility of the weADAPT platform for a diverse audience of users. Below…
Linking Adaptation and Mitigation through Community Forestry: Asia
This project focuses on the linkages between mitigation and adaptation in community forestry contexts. In keeping with the IPCC, we argue that neither mitigation nor adaptation measures alone are sufficient…
9. Synthesis of Key Insights
The baseline assessment shed light on the current vulnerability of villages in the project site, which is essential for the evaluation of future vulnerability and possible adaptation strategies that can…