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Forests and adaptation in a nutshell

The linkages between forests and adaptation are two-fold (Locatelli et al. 2010). First, as climate change will affect forests, adaptation measures are needed for forests to reduce negative impacts and

Adaptation – just a fancy new name?

The term adaptation can refer to many different activities (including technical, institutional, legal and educational measures), implemented by different communities of practice, in different places and within different time frames.

Forests and Climate Change Toolbox

The Forests and Climate Change Toolbox has been developed by CIFOR and the World Agroforestry Centre to build understanding and technical proficiency on issues of climate change and forests including mitigation, adaptation,

Bangladesh: Climate Projections

Climate change projections This work forms part of a Policy Briefing on Climate Change in Bangladesh produced by Practical Action in 2008. Other sections of the report can be seen
