23-25 April 2018 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Gabriel Eickhoff

Mananging Director, Forest Carbon Partners

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Gabriel Eickhoff has been working on carbon forestry projects in Southeast Asia and Africa since 2006. He specializes in market-driven solutions to sustainable development, including the design of national, provincial and project-level initiatives on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and new advances in High Carbon Stock (HCS) approaches to sustainable commodity supply chain management in the Indonesian sustainable agro-industry sector. As Managing Director of Forest Carbon Partners he specializes in a host of business development, and technical services with clients ranging from individual emission reduction project designs to innovations in regional and national market-driven initiatives for sustainability in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector (AFOLU). Eickhoff and his partners have led over 100 technical contracts on REDD+ and carbon forestry in over a dozen countries in Southeast Asia and Central Africa since 2009. Eickhoff advises a number of national government and sub-national programs, including initial models for the Indonesian REDD+ Jurisdictional Approach, the Vietnam National REDD+ Action Plan and the establishment of the National/Provincial REDD+ system of Lao PDR under the FCPF Carbon Fund. Previously, as the International REDD+ Technical Advisor to the Government of Laos for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) he led the technical development of project-level and Jurisdictional REDD+ approaches for the Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (CliPAD) project. Eickhoff’s professional background includes tropical forestry, low-carbon development, community-based natural resource management and field operations.

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