Dr. Sonya Dewi is the ICRAF country program coordinator of Indonesia and is a senior landscape ecologist. She is based in Southeast Asia Regional office of ICRAF in Bogor. Sonya received her doctorate in Theoretical Ecology from the Australian National University in 1997. During her more than twenty years of professional career as a researcher, she has focused understanding the trade-offs between and integration of conservation and development agendas at the landscape level across different contexts, and on identifying options to change the trajectories in several countries, such as Indonesia, India and Brazil. Land science has continuously been the basis of her multi-disciplinary research. In particular, she has used spatial analysis to develop empirical models and tools and to derive and analyze time series of remote sensing data. For more than ten years, she has embraced climate change mitigation issues in landscape governance, particularly in the development and analysis of national and sub-national level carbon accounting and monitoring, peatland strategy, carbon footprint of palm oil production, national level REDD+ strategy. More recently she has been actively promoting the integrated and inclusive spatial land use planning in rural areas for low emission development and for multiple environmental services through the development of a negotiation support tool, which has been adopted widely in Indonesia and also introduced to some other tropical countries such as Vietnam, Peru and Cameroon. She is currently managing a handful of big projects funded by a range of donors such as the EU, DANIDA, BMU-IKI, and smaller ones funded by donors, such as IDH and the Dutch Embassy.