Discussion Forum: Forest Finance, Investment and Trade
The parallel discussion on the subtheme “Forest Finance, Investment and Trade” investigated the current picture of private sector investment in REDD+, the motivations of the various actors, and the possible pathways for creating a step change in private sector investment in forest sustainability.
High level panel on Forests in NDCs: Operationalizing REDD+ in the region
This APRS High Level Panel focused on sharing lessons from REDD+ implementation in the Asia-Pacific region, and discussed the effectiveness and future of REDD+ as part of efforts to enhance countries’ forests contributions to achieve their target nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
High level panel on Forests in NDCs
The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) outline a country’s transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilience future. Understanding the role of forests and other land-based sectors’ contributions to the achievement of NDC targets is important as is understanding the balanced use of natural resources for economic, social and ecological purposes.