Dr. Nur Masripatin is a Senior Adviser to the Minister of Environment and Forestry on Climate Change and International Conventions; and the National Focal Point (NFP) of Indonesia for UNFCCC. She have just completed her term as the Director General of Climate Change (DGCC) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in February 2018. During her tenure as the DGCC, she was also the National Focal Point for UNFCCC, IPCC, AATHP and AWGCC. Before taken up the assignment as the DGCC she held multiple leadership roles, including as the Deputy for Governance and Institutional Relations of REDD+ Agency (BPREDD+), Director of R & D Centres at the Forestry Research and Development Agency (R & D Centre for Biotechnology and Tree Improvement; Plantation Forest; Policy and Social Economy) and Centre for Standardization. She was also the Coordinator of ASEAN Regional Knowledge Network on Forest and Climate Change (ARKN-FCC), the Coordinator of Safeguards Information System (SIS-REDD+) development in Indonesia, and the Lead Author of Indonesia REDD+ Readiness Strategy and the FCPF –REDD+ Readiness Plan. She has engaged in climate change negotiations and has been the REDD+ Lead Negotiator in UNFCCC meetings for many years.